program tstpyt C C test program for stdhep/pythia interface C compare event list C write events and cross-section C #include "" integer istr,mstat integer nevt,i,nprnt,lok C nevt=100 nprnt=1 call upyinit(nevt,istr) C Fill Stdhep common block 1 (only valid for Pythia) call stdflpyxsec(nevt) C Write Stdhep begin-run record call stdxwrt(100,istr,lok) if( write(lnhout,*) 1 ' Problem writing stdhep begin run record' c do 100 i=1,nevt call pyevnt call lunhep(1) if(i.le.nprnt)then call pylist(2) call heplst(1) endif call pytflem(1,i) call stdxwrt(1,istr,lok) C Fill Stdhep common block 1 (only valid for Pythia) call stdflpyxsec(nevt) call pytflem(2,i) 100 continue C C Fill Stdhep common block 1 call stdflpyxsec(nevt) C Write end-of-run record call stdxwrt(200,istr,lok) if( write(lnhout,*) ' Problem writing end run record' C... Print end of run statistics. mstat=1 call pystat(mstat) c...close event file call stdxend(istr) C...print histograms call houtpu(lnhout) call histdo close(unit=lnhout) stop end subroutine upyinit(nevt,istr) C C Pythia initialization C #include "" #include "" C... PYTHIA initialization variables. character*4 frame character*5 beam,target integer nevt,istr double precision win C C initialize HEP logical units lnhwrt=23 lnhrd=0 lnhdcy=0 lnhout=22 mstu(11)=lnhout open(unit=lnhout,file='stdtstpx.lpt',status='new') call stdxwinit('','StdHep/Pythia example', 1 nevt,istr,lok) C CALL PYTBKEM C C... Initialize PYTHIA frame = 'cms' beam = 'pbar' target = 'p' win = 1800.0d0 call pygive('msel=5') call pygive('mstj(21)=0') call pyinit(frame,beam,target,win) return end subroutine pytflem(iblk,iev) C... fill histograms C STDXSEC - cross-section C #include "" #include "" integer iblk,i,iev real bn if(iblk.eq.1)then call hfill(1,float(nevhep),0.,1.) call hfill(2,float(nhep),0.,1.) do i=1,nhep call hfill(3,float(idhep(i)),0.,1.) call hfill(4,float(isthep(i)),0.,1.) call hfill(5,sngl(phep(1,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(6,sngl(phep(2,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(7,sngl(phep(3,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(8,sngl(phep(4,i)),0.,1.) call hfill(9,sngl(phep(5,i)),0.,1.) enddo elseif(iblk.eq.2)then bn = float(iev)+0.5 call hfill(10,bn,0.,stdxsec) endif return end subroutine pytbkem C--- book histograms C implicit none C--- The HBOOK common real hmemor common/pawc/hmemor(50000) C--- Setup the HBOOK memory limit. call hlimit(50000) C--- Book histograms. call hbook1(1,'PYTHIA: NEVHEP',100,0.,100.,0.) call hbook1(2,'PYTHIA: NHEP',100,0.,200.,0.) call hbook1(3,'PYTHIA: IDHEP',100,0.,100.,0.) call hbook1(4,'PYTHIA: ISTHEP',20,0.,20.,0.) call hbook1(5,'PYTHIA: PHEP(1,)',100,-100.,100.,0.) call hbook1(6,'PYTHIA: PHEP(2,)',100,-100.,100.,0.) call hbook1(7,'PYTHIA: PHEP(3,)',100,-100.,100.,0.) call hbook1(8,'PYTHIA: PHEP(4,)',100,-100.,100.,0.) call hbook1(9,'PYTHIA: PHEP(5,)',100,-100.,100.,0.) call hbook1(10,'STDHEP: cross-section',100,0.,100.,0.) return end