PROGRAM TSTISA C C JTDKY = +/- unit number for decay table file. C If it is negative, decay table is not printed. C JTEVT = +/- unit number for output event file. C If it is negative, only stable particles are written on it. C JTCOM = unit number for command file. C JTLIS = unit number for listing. C IMPLICIT NONE #include "" #include "" #include "" #include "" C #include "" #include "" C integer istr,nevt,itotal INTEGER JTDKY,JTEVT,JTCOM,JTLIS,IFL,ILOOP,IPRT,LOK,ILOOP2 INTEGER INDEC,INDEC2 CHARACTER*132 ISADEC LOGICAL OK,DONE SAVE ILOOP,JTDKY,JTEVT,JTCOM,JTLIS EXTERNAL ALDATA C C Initialize ISAJET C JTDKY=-1 JTEVT=23 JTCOM=21 JTLIS=22 nevt=1000 itotal=0 C initialize HEP logical units LNHWRT=JTEVT LNHRD=0 LNHDCY=0 LNHOUT=JTLIS C point to standard decay tables CALL GETENV( 'ISAJET_DIR', ISADEC ) IF ( ISADEC .EQ. ' ' ) THEN ISADEC = 'isadecay.dat' ELSE INDEC = INDEX ( ISADEC , ' ' ) ISADEC(INDEC:INDEC+13) = '/isadecay.dat' INDEC2 = INDEX ( ISADEC , ' ' ) - 1 print *,'looking for ',ISADEC(:INDEC2) ENDIF OPEN(UNIT=1,FILE=ISADEC,STATUS='OLD') OPEN(UNIT=JTCOM,FILE='stdtsti.cmd',STATUS='OLD') OPEN(UNIT=JTLIS,FILE='stdtsti.lpt',STATUS='NEW') CALL ISAINI(JTDKY,JTEVT,JTCOM,JTLIS) C initialize MCFio call stdxwinit('','StdHep/Isajet example', 1 nevt,istr,LOK) CALL TSTBKEM(40) IPRT=1 C C print list of defined particles and their translations C (you have to call ISAINI first) C use bogus masses for 4th generation quarks so we can see their definitions C CALL PRTLST(JTLIS,200.,220.) C C compare particle ID for isajet and standard C CALL HPTRLSTI C C Read instructions; terminate for STOP command or error. C ILOOP2 = 0 201 IFL=0 CALL ISABEG(IFL) IF(IFL.NE.0)THEN write(lnhout,1001) itotal c...close event file call stdxend(istr) C...print histograms CALL HOUTPU(LNHOUT) CALL HISTDO ENDIF IF(IFL.NE.0) STOP C Fill Stdhep common block 1 CALL STDFLISXSEC C Write Stdhep begin-run record call stdxwrt(100,istr,LOK) IF(LOK.NE.0) WRITE(LNHOUT,*) 1 ' Problem writing StdHep begin run record' C C Event loop C ILOOP=0 301 CONTINUE ILOOP=ILOOP+1 C Generate one event - discard if .NOT.OK CALL ISAEVT(ILOOP,OK,DONE) C Write event record IF(OK)THEN CALL ISAHEP(1) itotal = itotal + 1 IF(NEVHEP.LE.IPRT)THEN CALL PRTEVT(0) CALL HEPLST(1) CALL HEPTREE ENDIF CALL TSTFLEM(40) call stdxwrt(1,istr,LOK) C Fill Stdhep common block 1 CALL STDFLISXSEC CALL TSTFLXS(40,ILOOP2) IF(LOK.NE.0) WRITE(LNHOUT,*) ' Problem writing event record' ENDIF IF(.NOT.DONE) GO TO 301 C C Calculate cross section and luminosity C CALL ISAEND C Fill Stdhep common block 1 CALL STDFLISXSEC C Write Stdhep end-run record call stdxwrt(200,istr,LOK) IF(LOK.NE.0) WRITE(LNHOUT,*) 1 ' Problem writing stdhep end run record' ILOOP2 = ILOOP2 + ILOOP GO TO 201 1001 format(' grand total: ',i10,' events generated') END SUBROUTINE TSTFLXS(IOFF,ILP) C... fill histograms #include "" #include "" INTEGER IOFF,ILP REAL BN BN = FLOAT(NEVHEP+ILP)+0.5 CALL HFILL(IOFF+20,BN,0.,STDXSEC) RETURN END