PROGRAM TSTHWG C C test program C compare event list in herwig and standard structure #include "" #include "" external hwudat integer n,lok integer istr C C initialize HEP logical units lnhwrt=23 lnhrd=0 lnhdcy=0 lnhout=22 lhwout=lnhout open(unit=lnhout,file='stdtsth.lpt',status='new') call tstbkem(0) C call hptrlsth C---max number of events this run maxev=20 C open XDR output file call stdxwinit('','StdHep/Herwig example', 1 maxev,istr,lok) C---process iproc=1500 C---beams pbeam1=900. pbeam2=900. part1='PBAR ' part2='P ' C---initialise other common blocks call hwigin C---user can reset parameters at this point, C otherwise values set in HWIGIN will be used. lrsud=0 lwsud=0 maxpr=1 nrn(1)=106645411 nrn(2)=135135175 maxer=100 tlout=15. ptmin=10. ptmax=80. emmin=40. emmax=80. q2min=1600. q2max=3600. C---HIGGS mass rmass(201)=400. C---compute parameter-dependent constants iprint = 2 call hwuinc iprint = 1 C---call HWUSTA to make any particle stable call hwusta('PI0 ') C---user's initial calculations call hwabeg C---initialise elementary process call hweini C Fill Stdhep common block 1 call stdflhwxsec C Write Stdhep begin-run record call stdxwrt(100,istr,lok) if( write(lnhout,*) 1 ' Problem writing stdhep begin run record' C---loop over events do 100 n=1,maxev C---initialise event call hwuine C---generate hard subprocess call hwepro C---generate parton cascades call hwbgen C---do heavy quark decays call hwdhqk C---do cluster hadronization call hwcfor C---do cluster decay call hwcdec C---do unstable particle decays call hwdhad C---do heavy flavour decays call hwdhvy C---add soft underlying event if needed call hwmevt C---finalise event call hwufne c---user's event analysis call hwghep(1) call hwanal if(nevhep.le.maxpr) then call heplst(1) call heptree endif call tstflem(0) call stdxwrt(1,istr,lok) C Fill Stdhep common block 1 call stdflhwxsec call tstflxsec(0) 100 continue C---terminate elementary process call hwefin C---user's terminal calculations call hwaend C Fill Stdhep common block 1 call stdflhwxsec C Write Stdhep end-run record call stdxwrt(200,istr,lok) if( write(lnhout,*) 1 ' Problem writing StdHep end run record' c...close event file call stdxend(istr) C...print histograms call houtpu(lnhout) call histdo close(unit=lnhout) close(unit=lnhwrt) stop end C---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine hwabeg C... user's routine for initialization end subroutine hwaend C... user's routine for terminal calculations, histogram output, etc end subroutine hwanal C... user's routine to analyse data from event end C----------------------------------------------------------------------