STDHEP_DIR:HISTORY.LOG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-May-98 Lynn Garren STDHEP 4.02 Late-breaking changes to the new numbering scheme. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21-Feb-98 Lynn Garren STDHEP 4.01 Switch to the new numbering scheme. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28-Jan-98 Lynn Garren STDHEP 4.00 Use the same hepevt common block for both Herwig and StdHep. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-Nov-97 Lynn Garren STDHEP 4.00 Herwig 5.9 support. Isajet 7.31 support. Pythia 6.114 support. DPMJET 2.4 support. Drop support for native binary and zebra I/O - leaving only XDR. Use cpp for fortran preprocessing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-Nov-97 Lynn Garren STDHEP 3.04 Fix XDR I/O bug (affected final particle in event list). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21-Jan-97 Lynn Garren STDHEP 3.03 Add qqufile to -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12-Dec-96 Lynn Garren STDHEP 3.03 Add stdfixmass to adjust particle energy if mass is off shell. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27-Nov-96 Lynn Garren STDHEP 3.03 Add 4 vector sum routines (Rob Kutschke). Improved logic for stdchgdsclst (Rob Kutschke). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14-Oct-96 Lynn Garren STDHEP 3.03 Fix hep2geant interface to convert double precision to real. Build with new includes in qq v9_2. Get latest mcfio release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-Apr-96 Lynn Garren STDHEP 3.02 Compile OSF1 version with floating point checking on (Needed for QQ interface) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-Feb-96 Lynn Garren STDHEP 3.02 Fix some bugs in display package (Phase and Space) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17-Nov-95 Lynn Garren STDHEP 3.01 Add ad-hoc ion numbering scheme -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9-Oct-95 Lynn Garren STDHEP 3.01 Add c interface routines for mcfio I/O. Phase and Space display programs now accept mcfio files. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30-Aug-95 Lynn Garren STDHEP 3.00 Check against Jetset 7.408 and Pythia 5.717 Check against Herwig 5.8 Check against Isajet 7.13 Check against 1994 PDG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26-Jul-95 Lynn Garren Finish enabling mcfio interface -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21-Jun-95 Lynn Garren Begin development of STDHEP 3.00 Include mcfio I/O routines. Translation for QQ 9.1. Fix bug in heprd/hepwrt (affects backward compatibility) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-Jan-95 Lynn Garren Begin development of STDHEP 2.03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-Jul-94 Lynn Garren Final modifications to STDHEP 2.02 Modify HEP2GEANT, STDQUARKS, and STDSPIN STDROTBOOST and STDCQUARKS added -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15-Jun-94 Lynn Garren Install STDHEP 2.02 Allow for more than one event to be read into the HEPEVT common block to mimic multiple interactions. Cross-section written upon request Add pythia example Fix a minor bug in ISTRAN, which translated states not known to ISAJET. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18-May-94 Lynn Garren Install STDHEP 2.01 Modify STDDECAYQQ to spawn another routine Clean up begin-run and end-run output options First attempt to get cross-sections, etc. in a standard common block Expand read/write options Resolve Xi and Xi' translation issue Add more utility routines QQ translation routines read/write routine changes Version 2.01 is NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-Mar-94 Lynn Garren Install STDHEP 2.00 QQ translation and utility routines are now functional. Add routine to print STDHEP version number. Add more diffractive particles for JETSET 7.4. Replace local routines ISFLAVR and ISLABL with ISAJET routines. Replace local routine ISAPRTLST with ISAJET routine PRTLST. Add utility routines Version 2.00 is NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-Feb-94 Lynn Garren Install development version of STDHEP 1.06 Add utility routines Modify native mode output routines to use keyword for identification Add QQ translation routines Add Z0' for HERWIG 5.7 Use HERWIG include file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20-SEP-93 Lynn Garren Install STDHEP 1.05 Make compatible with new SUSY particles in ISAJET 7.02 Add HPTRLST subroutines to stdhep library Add routines to read and print the particle info supplied by PDG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-OCT-92 Lynn Garren Release STDHEP 1.04 as a separate product. Include minor changes. Add new JETSET particles -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30-OCT-91 Lynn Garren Install STDHEP 1.03 with zebra I/O routines. Add ZEBRA I/O routines Add flag HEPDBG for extra debugging code Add flag HPZTST to select ZEBRA output in test jobs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29-AUG-91 Lynn Garren Install STDHEP 1.02 with simple I/O routines and HERWIG conversion. Add I/O of HEPEVT Add test programs Add HERWIG event conversion --- all that changes is IDHEP convention --- also move from double precision to single precision Improve HEPNAM and HEPCMP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20-MAR-91 Lynn Garren First version of STDHEP translation package. Convert ISAJET and JETSET events --------------------------------------------------------------------------------