C********************************************************************* C...PYTAUD C...Dummy routine, to be replaced by user, to handle the decay of a C...polarized tau lepton. C...Input: C...ITAU is the position where the decaying tau is stored in /PYJETS/. C...IORIG is the position where the mother of the tau is stored; C... is 0 when the mother is not stored. C...KFORIG is the flavour of the mother of the tau; C... is 0 when the mother is not known. C...Note that IORIG=0 does not necessarily imply KFORIG=0; C... e.g. in B hadron semileptonic decays the W propagator C... is not explicitly stored but the W code is still unambiguous. C...Output: C...NDECAY is the number of decay products in the current tau decay. C...These decay products should be added to the /PYJETS/ common block, C...in positions N+1 through N+NDECAY. For each product I you must C...give the flavour codes K(I,2) and the five-momenta P(I,1), P(I,2), C...P(I,3), P(I,4) and P(I,5). The rest will be stored automatically. SUBROUTINE PYTAUD(ITAU,IORIG,KFORIG,NDECAY) C...Double precision and integer declarations. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H, O-Z) IMPLICIT INTEGER(I-N) INTEGER PYK,PYCHGE,PYCOMP C...Commonblocks. COMMON/PYJETS/N,NPAD,K(4000,5),P(4000,5),V(4000,5) COMMON/PYDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) SAVE /PYJETS/,/PYDAT1/ C...Stop program if this routine is ever called. C...You should not copy these lines to your own routine. NDECAY=ITAU+IORIG+KFORIG WRITE(MSTU(11),5000) IF(PYR(0).LT.10D0) STOP C...Format for error printout. 5000 FORMAT(1X,'Error: you did not link your PYTAUD routine ', &'correctly.'/1X,'Dummy routine in PYTHIA file called instead.'/ &1X,'Execution stopped!') RETURN END