* * $Id: pdxmt.F,v 1996/10/30 08:29:02 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: pdxmt.F,v $ * Revision 1996/10/30 08:29:02 cernlib * Version 7.04 * * Revision 1996/04/12 15:29:26 plothow * Version 7.01 * * #include "pdf/pilot.h" C FUNCTION PDXMT (ISET, IPARTON, X, Q, IRT) C For ISET = 1, 2 .. , returns sets of Parton Distributions C (in the proton) with parton label Iparton (6, 5, ...,0, .. C for (t, b, c, s, d, u, g, u-bar, ... t-bar), and kinematic C variables (X, Q). IRT is a return error code. C C Iset = 1, 2, 3, 4 corresponds to the S1, B1, B2, and E1 fits of M C Tung (Fermilab-Pub-90/74, IIT-90/11) to NLO in the DIS sch C C 5 corresponds to a new set with input strange quark distri C being 1/2 of the non-strange sea quarks (as prefered by so C C 6, 7, 8, 9 corresponds to the S1, B1, B2, and E1 fits of M C Tung (Fermilab-Pub-90/74, IIT-90/11) to NLO in the MSbar s C C 10 corresponds to a new set with input strange quark distr C being 1/2 of the non-strange sea quarks (as prefered by so C in the MSbar scheme C C All the above sets assume a SU(3)-symmetric sea. C C 11 corresponds to a set of LO distributions suitable to be C with LO hard scattering matrix elements. C C The "lambda" parameter (4-flavors) for each parton distribution set c C obtained by making the following FUNCTION call: C Alam = Vlambd (Iset, Iorder) C where Iset is the (input) set #, Iorder is the (output) order of the C for set 11, 2 for all the others), and Alam is the value of the effec C lambda for 4 flavors. C Details about the 1 - 5 distributions are C given in the above-mentioned preprint. C #include "pdf/impdp.inc" REAL PDZXMT,X,Q DIMENSION THRSLD(0:6) DATA (THRSLD(I), I=0,6) / 4*0.0, 1.5, 5.0, 90.0 / IFL = IPARTON JFL = ABS(IFL) C Return 0 if below th IF (Q .LE. THRSLD(JFL)) THEN PDXMT = 0.0 RETURN ENDIF C IF (IFL .LE. 0) THEN VL = 0 ELSEIF (IFL .LE. 2) THEN VL = PDZXMT(ISET, IFL, X, Q, IRT) ELSE VL = 0 ENDIF C SEA = PDZXMT (ISET, -JFL, X, Q, IRT) PDXMT = VL + SEA RETURN C ************************* END