* * $Id: ctq3pf.F,v 1996/10/30 08:27:51 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: ctq3pf.F,v $ * Revision 1996/10/30 08:27:51 cernlib * Version 7.04 * * Revision 1996/04/12 15:29:15 plothow * Version 7.01 * * #include "pdf/pilot.h" C Version 3 CTEQ distribution function in a parametrized form. C By: H.L. Lai, J. Botts, J. Huston, J.G. Morfin, J.F. Owens, J. Qiu, C W.K. Tung & H. Weerts; Preprint MSU-HEP/41024, CTEQ 404 C This file contains three versions of the same CTEQ3 parton distributions: C C Two "front-end" subprograms: C FUNCTION Ctq3Pf (Iset, Iparton, X, Q, Irt) C returns the PROBABILITY density for a GIVEN flavor; C SUBROUTINE Ctq3Pds(Iset, Pdf, XX, QQ, Irt) C returns an array of MOMENTUM densities for ALL flavors; C One lower-level subprogram: C FUNCTION Ctq3Pd (Iset, Iprtn, XX, QQ, Irt) C returns the MOMENTUM density of a GIVEN valence or sea distribution. C One supplementary function to return the QCD lambda parameter C concerning these distributions is also included (see below). C Although DOUBLE PRECISION is used, conversion to SINGLE PRECISION C is straightforward by removing the C Implicit Double Precision statements. C Since this is an initial distribution of version 3, it is C useful for the authors to maintain a record of the distribution C list in case there are revisions or corrections. C In the interest of maintaining the integrity of this package, C please do not freely distribute this program package; instead, refer C any interested colleagues to direct their request for a copy to: C Lai@cteq11.pa.msu.edu or Tung@msupa.pa.msu.edu. C If you have detailed questions concerning these CTEQ3 distributions, C or if you find problems/bugs using this initial distribution, direct C inquires to Hung-Liang Lai or Wu-Ki Tung. C ------------------------------------------- C Detailed instructions follow. C Name convention for CTEQ distributions: CTEQnSx where C n : version number (currently n = 3) C S : factorization scheme label: = [M L D] for [MS-bar LO DIS] c resp. C x : special characteristics, if any C (e.g. S(F) for singular (flat) small-x, L for "LEP lambda value") C (not applicable to CTEQ3 since only three standard sets are given.) C Explanation of functional arguments: C Iset is the set label; in this version, Iset = 1, 2, 3 C correspond to the following CTEQ global fits: C cteq3M : best fit in the MS-bar scheme C cteq3L : best fit in Leading order QCD C cteq3D : best fit in the DIS scheme C Iprtn is the parton label (6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, ......, -6) C for (t, b, c, s, d, u, g, u_bar, ..., t_bar) C *** WARNING: We use the parton label 2 as D-quark, and 1 as U-quark which C might be different with your labels. C X, Q are the usual x, Q; C Irt is a return error code (see individual modules for explanation). C C --------------------------------------------- C Since the QCD Lambda value for the various sets are needed more often than C the other parameters in most applications, a special function C Wlamd3 (Iset, Iorder, Neff) is provided C which returns the lambda value for Neff = 4,5,6 effective flavors as well as C the order these values pertain to. C ---------------------------------------------- C The range of (x, Q) used in this round of global analysis is, approxi- C mately, 0.01 < x < 0.75 ; and 4 GeV^2 < Q^2 < 400 GeV^2 for fixed target C experiments and 0.0001 < x < 0.1 from HERA data. C The range of (x, Q) used in the reparametrization of the QCD evolved C parton distributions is 10E-6 < x < 1 ; 1.6 GeV < Q < 10 TeV. The C functional form of this parametrization is: C A0 * x^A1 * (1-x)^A2 * (1 + A3 * x^A4) * [log(1+1/x)]^A5 C with the A'coefficients being smooth functions of Q. For heavy quarks, C a threshold factor is applied to A0 which simulates the proper Q-dependence C of the QCD evolution in that region according to the renormalization C scheme defined in Collins-Tung, Nucl. Phys. B278, 934 (1986). C Since this function is positive definite and smooth, it provides sensible C extrapolations of the parton distributions if they are called beyond C the original range in an application. There is no artificial boundaries C or sharp cutoff's. C ------------------------------------------------ FUNCTION Ctq3Pf (Iset, Iparton, X, Q, Irt) C This function returns the CTEQ parton distributions f^Iset_Iprtn/proton C --- the PROBABILITY density C (Iset, Iparton, X, Q): explained above; C Irt : return error code: see module Ctq3Pd for explanation. C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) C+SEQ, IMPDP. Ifl = Iparton JFL = ABS(Ifl) C Valence IF (Ifl.Eq.1 .or. Ifl.Eq.2) THEN VL = Ctq3Pd(Iset, Ifl, X, Q, Irt) ELSE VL = 0. ENDIF C Sea SEA = Ctq3Pd (Iset, -JFL, X, Q, Irt) C Full (probability) Distribution Ctq3Pf = (VL + SEA) / X Return C ************************* END