* * $Id: ctq1pf.F,v 1997/07/13 13:22:35 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: ctq1pf.F,v $ * Revision 1997/07/13 13:22:35 cernlib * Import version 7.09 * * Revision 1996/04/12 15:29:08 plothow * Version 7.01 * * #include "pdf/pilot.h" FUNCTION Ctq1pf (ISET, IPARTON, X, Q, IRT) C CTEQ distribution function in a parametrized form. C (No data tables are needed.) C The returned function value is the PROBABILITY density for a given FLAVOR. C !! A companion function (next module), which this one depends on, C !! ctq1pd (Iset, Iparton, X, Q, Irt) C !! gives the VALENCE and SEA MOMENTUM FRACTION distributions. C \\ A parallel (independent) program Ctq1Ps (not included in this file) C || in Subroutine form is also available. C || It returns ALL the parton flavors at once in an array form. C // See details in that separate file if you are interested. C Ref.: "CTEQ Parton Distributions and Flavor Dependence of the Sea Quarks" C by: J. Botts, J.G. Morfin, J.F. Owens, J. Qiu, W.K. Tung & H. Weerts C MSUHEP-92-27, Fermilab-Pub-92/371, FSU-HEP-92-1225, ISU-NP-92-17 C Since this is an initial distribution, and there may be updates, it is C useful for the authors to maintain a record of the distribution list. C Please do not freely distribute this program package; instead, refer any C interested colleague to direct their request for a copy to: C Botts@msupa.pa.msu.edu or Botts@msupa (bitnet) or MSUHEP::Botts C If you have any questions concerning these distributions, direct inquires C to Jim Botts or Wu-Ki Tung (username Tung at same E-mail nodes as above). C$Header: /cern/share/CVS/mclibs/pdf/spdf/ctq1pf.F,v 1997/07/13 13:22:35 cernlib Exp $ C$Log: ctq1pf.F,v $ CRevision 1997/07/13 13:22:35 cernlib CImport version 7.09 C CRevision 1996/04/12 15:29:08 plothow CVersion 7.01 C C Revision 1.2 93/02/26 10:42:43 wkt C Version with heavy quark threshold factor and faster algorithm. C C Revision 1.1 93/02/14 17:30:21 botts C The new Faster version. C Revision 1.0 93/02/08 18:35:25 wkt C Initial revision C This function returns the CTEQ parton distributions f^Iset_Iprtn/proton C where Iset (= 1, 2, ..., 5) is the set label; C Name convention for CTEQ distributions: CTEQnSx where C n : version number (currently n = 1) C S : factorization scheme label: = [M D L] for [MS-bar DIS LO] C resp. C x : special characteristics, if any C (e.g. S for singular gluon, L for "LEP lambda value") C Iprtn is the parton label (6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, ......, -6) C for (t, b, c, s, d, u, g, u_bar, ..., t_bar) C X, Q are the usual x, Q; Irt is a return error code (not implemented yet). C --> Iset = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 correspond to the following CTEQ global fits: C cteq1M, cteq1MS, cteq1ML, cteq1D, cteq1L respectively. C --> QCD parameters for parton distribution set Iset can be obtained inside C the user's program by: C Dum = PrCtq1 C > (Iset, Iord, Ischeme, MxFlv, C > Alam4, Alam5, Alam6, Amas4, Amas5, Amas6, C > Xmin, Qini, Qmax, ExpNor) C where all but the first argument are output parameters. C They should be self-explanary -- see details in next module. C The range of (x, Q) used in this round of global analysis is, approxi- C mately, 0.01 < x < 0.75 ; and 4 GeV^2 < Q^2 < 400 GeV^2. C The range of (x, Q) used in the reparametrization of the QCD evolved C parton distributions is 10E-5 < x < 1 ; 2 GeV < Q < 1 TeV. The C functional form of this parametrization is: C A0 * x^A1 * (1-x)^A2 * (1 + A3 * x^A4) * [log(1+1/x)]^A5 C with the A'coefficients being smooth functions of Q. For heavy quarks, C an additional threshold factor is applied which simulate the Q-dependence C of the QCD evolution in that region. C Since this function is positive definite and smooth, it provides sensible C extrapolations of the parton distributions if they are called beyond C the original range in an application. There is no artificial boundaries C or sharp cutoff's. C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H, O-Z) C+SEQ, IMPDP. REAL Ctq1Pd,X,Q IFL = IPARTON JFL = ABS(IFL) C Valence IF (IFL .LE. 0) THEN VL = 0. ELSEIF (IFL .LE. 2) THEN VL = Ctq1Pd (ISET, IFL, X, Q, IRT) ELSE VL = 0. ENDIF C Sea SEA = Ctq1Pd (ISET, -JFL, X, Q, IRT) C Full (probability) Distribution Ctq1pf = (VL + SEA) / X RETURN C ************************* END