* * $Id: lsci.F,v 1996/03/08 17:40:15 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: lsci.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 17:40:15 mclareni * Lepto63 * * C ******************************************************************** SUBROUTINE LSCI(PROB) C-- --C C-- Author: Johan Rathsman, rathsman@tsl.uu.se --C C-- Created: 950319 --C C-- Last update: 950717 --C C-- Purpose: to generate random switches of parton --C C-- colours in the partonic final state --C IMPLICIT NONE C-- global variables INTEGER N,K REAL P,V COMMON /LUJETS/N,K(4000,5),P(4000,5),V(4000,5) C-- functions REAL RLU C-- local variables INTEGER I,J,LUCOMP,NS,NEXT,THIS,INIT LOGICAL QUARK,QUARK1,QUARK2,AQUARK1,AQUARK2,GLUON1,GLUON2,FIRST REAL PROB C-- Assign colour and anticolour pointers to all partons. Colour C-- pointers are in K(I,4) and anticolour pointers are in K(I,5). C-- The pointer points to the row where the respective anticolour C-- and colour is. FIRST=.TRUE. DO 10 I=5,N IF (K(I,1).LT.10 .AND. K(I,1).GT.0) THEN C-- check if parton is a quark, antiquark or diquark IF (ABS(K(I,2)).LT.10 .OR. LUCOMP(K(I,2)).EQ.90) THEN IF (K(I,2).LT.10 .AND. K(I,2).GT.0 .OR. & K(I,2).LT.-1000) THEN QUARK=.TRUE. ELSE QUARK=.FALSE. ENDIF C-- reset pointers K(I,4)=0 K(I,5)=0 C-- the first quark, antiquark or diquark in a string points C-- to the parton in the next line IF (FIRST) THEN IF (QUARK) THEN K(I,4)=(I+1) ELSE K(I,5)=(I+1) ENDIF FIRST=.FALSE. C-- the last quark, antiquark or diquark in a string points C-- to the parton in the previous line ELSE IF (QUARK) THEN K(I,4)=(I-1) ELSE K(I,5)=(I-1) ENDIF FIRST=.TRUE. ENDIF K(I,1)=3 C-- check if parton gluon ELSEIF (K(I,2).EQ.21) THEN C-- if the previous colour points to this gluon then its anticolour C-- should point back and its colour should point to the next line IF(K(I-1,4).EQ.I) THEN K(I,4)=(I+1) K(I,5)=(I-1) ELSE K(I,4)=(I-1) K(I,5)=(I+1) ENDIF K(I,1)=3 ENDIF ENDIF 10 CONTINUE C-- find first parton in colour switch DO 20 I=5,N QUARK1=.FALSE. AQUARK1=.FALSE. GLUON1=.FALSE. IF (K(I,1).EQ.3) THEN C-- check if parton quark or antidiquark IF (K(I,4).NE.0 .AND. K(I,5).EQ.0) THEN QUARK1=.TRUE. C-- check if parton antiquark or diquark ELSEIF (K(I,4).EQ.0 .AND. K(I,5).NE.0) THEN AQUARK1=.TRUE. C-- check if parton gluon ELSEIF (K(I,2).EQ.21) THEN GLUON1=.TRUE. ENDIF C-- find second parton in colour switch DO 30 J=I+1,N QUARK2=.FALSE. AQUARK2=.FALSE. GLUON2=.FALSE. IF (K(J,1).EQ.3) THEN C-- check if second parton quark or antidiquark IF (K(J,4).NE.0 .AND. K(J,5).EQ.0) THEN QUARK2=.TRUE. C-- check if second parton antquark or diquark ELSEIF (K(J,4).EQ.0 .AND. K(J,5).NE.0) THEN AQUARK2=.TRUE. C-- check if second parton gluon ELSEIF (K(J,2).EQ.21) THEN GLUON2=.TRUE. ENDIF C-- switch colour pointers IF (RLU(0).LT.PROB) THEN IF (QUARK1.AND.QUARK2) THEN CALL LECSWI(I,J) ELSEIF (K(I,4).NE.J .AND. K(J,4).NE.I .AND. & (QUARK1.AND.GLUON2 .OR. GLUON1.AND.QUARK2)) THEN CALL LECSWI(I,J) ELSEIF (AQUARK1.AND.AQUARK2) THEN CALL LEASWI(I,J) ELSEIF (K(I,5).NE.J .AND. K(J,5).NE.I .AND. & (AQUARK1.AND.GLUON2 .OR. GLUON1.AND.AQUARK2)) THEN CALL LEASWI(I,J) ELSEIF (K(I,4).NE.J .AND. K(J,4).NE.I .AND. & GLUON1.AND.GLUON2) THEN IF (RLU(0).LE.0.5) THEN CALL LECSWI(I,J) ELSE CALL LEASWI(I,J) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF 30 CONTINUE ENDIF 20 CONTINUE C-- restore colour order in strings ready for hadronisation NS=N DO 40 I=5,NS C-- find first quark (or anti diquark) string end IF (K(I,1).EQ.3 .AND. K(I,4).NE.0 .AND. K(I,5).EQ.0 )THEN NEXT=I 50 CONTINUE N=N+1 THIS=NEXT C-- copy to last row in event-record and update K-vector DO 60 J=1,5 P(N,J)=P(THIS,J) V(N,J)=V(THIS,J) K(N,J)=K(THIS,J) 60 CONTINUE K(THIS,1)=13 K(N,1)=2 K(N,3)=THIS K(N,4)=0 K(N,5)=0 C-- find next parton in string in row K(THIS,4) NEXT=K(THIS,4) IF (NEXT.NE.0) GOTO 50 C-- this is the last parton in string K(N,1)=1 ENDIF 40 CONTINUE DO 70 I=5,NS C-- find first gluon string end IF (K(I,1).EQ.3 .AND. K(I,2).EQ.21) THEN INIT=I NEXT=I 80 CONTINUE N=N+1 THIS=NEXT C-- copy to last row in event-record and update K-vector DO 90 J=1,5 P(N,J)=P(THIS,J) V(N,J)=V(THIS,J) K(N,J)=K(THIS,J) 90 CONTINUE K(THIS,1)=13 K(N,1)=2 K(N,3)=THIS K(N,4)=0 K(N,5)=0 C-- find next parton in string in row K(THIS,4) NEXT=K(THIS,4) IF (NEXT.NE.INIT) GOTO 80 C-- this is the last parton in string K(N,1)=1 ENDIF 70 CONTINUE END