* * $Id: lflav.F,v 1996/03/08 17:40:13 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: lflav.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/08 17:40:13 mclareni * Lepto63 * * C ********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE LFLAV(IFL,IFLR) C...Choose flavour of struck quark and the C...corresponding flavour of the target remnant jet. COMMON /LEPTOU/ CUT(14),LST(40),PARL(30),X,Y,W2,Q2,U COMMON /LINTER/ PARI(40),EWQC(2,2,8),QC(8),ZL(2,4),ZQ(2,8),PQ(17) COMMON/LUDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) COMMON /LFLMIX/ CABIBO(4,4) LST(21)=0 IF(LST(24).EQ.3) THEN NFL=LST(13) ELSE NFL=LST(12) ENDIF 20 R=RLU(0)*PQ(17) PSUB=0. DO 30 I=1,2*NFL IFL=I PSUB=PSUB+PQ(I) IF(R.LE.PSUB) GOTO 40 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE IF(IFL.GT.NFL) IFL=NFL-IFL LST(25)=IFL IFLR=-IFL IF(LST(23).EQ.2) THEN C...Weak charged current, change the flavour of the struck C...quark using generalized Cabibbo mixing matrix. IFLA=IABS(IFL) J1=(IFLA+1)/2 M1=MOD(IFLA,2) M2=MOD(IFLA+1,2) R=RLU(0) PSUB=0. DO 100 J=1,4 J2=J PSUB=PSUB+CABIBO(M1*J2+M2*J1,M2*J2+M1*J1) IF(R.LT.PSUB) GOTO 200 100 CONTINUE 200 IFL=2*J2-M2 IF(LST(25).LT.0) IFL=-IFL ENDIF IFLA=IABS(IFL) IFLRA=IABS(IFLR) IF(IFLA.GE.4.OR.IFLRA.GE.4) THEN C...Threshold function for heavy quarks of flavour IFLA and IFLRA. MSTJ(93)=1 AMU=ULMASS(1) MSTJ(93)=1 AMIFL=ULMASS(IFLA) MSTJ(93)=1 AMIFLR=ULMASS(IFLRA) IF(1.-(.938+AMIFL+AMIFLR+2.*AMU)**2/W2.LT.RLU(0)) & GOTO(20,999,999) LST(24) ENDIF C...Remnant flavour taken care of later for qqbar event and ME+PS case IF(LST(24).EQ.3) RETURN IF(LST(8).GT.10.AND.MOD(LST(8),10).NE.9) RETURN C...With LST(14)=0/1(default) baryon production from the target remnant C...is excluded/included. IF(LST(14).EQ.0) RETURN IF(IFLR.EQ.-2) THEN IF(LST(22).EQ.1) THEN IFLR=2101 IF(RLU(0).GT.PARL(4)) IFLR=2103 ELSE IFLR=1103 ENDIF ELSEIF(IFLR.EQ.-1) THEN IF(LST(22).EQ.1) THEN IFLR=2203 ELSE IFLR=2101 IF(RLU(0).GT.PARL(4)) IFLR=2103 ENDIF ENDIF RETURN 999 LST(21)=6 RETURN END