* * $Id: isasrt.F,v 1.7 1999/04/08 16:03:08 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: isasrt.F,v $ * Revision 1.7 1999/04/08 16:03:08 mclareni * Version 7.44 from authors * * #include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" SUBROUTINE ISASRT(X,NCH,IMAP) C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C- C- Purpose and Methods : Sorts a floating point array X into ascending order. C- The array IMAP contains ordered list of pointers C- C- Inputs : X - Floating point array C- NCH - Number of elements in X C- Outputs : IMAP - pointer to ordered list in X C- Controls: None C- C- Created 3-OCT-1988 Rajendran Raja C- Based on the Algorithm of D.L.Shell, High speed sorting C- procedure , Communications of the ACM, Vol 2, July 1959, PP 30-32 C---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(CERNLIB_IMPNONE) IMPLICIT NONE #endif REAL X(*) REAL TEMP INTEGER IMAP(*),NCH,M,I,J,K,IM,IT C---------------------------------------------------------------------- M=NCH 10 M=M/2 !binary chop IF(M.EQ.0)GO TO 999 K=NCH-M J=1 20 I=J 30 IM=I+M IF(X(I).LE.X(IM))GO TO 40 TEMP = X(I) X(I) = X(IM) X(IM) = TEMP IT = IMAP(I) IMAP(I)=IMAP(IM) IMAP(IM)=IT I = I-M IF(I.GE.1)GO TO 30 40 J=J+1 IF(J.GT.K)GO TO 10 GO TO 20 999 RETURN END