* * $Id: build_pjet.F,v 1.8 1999/04/08 16:02:38 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: build_pjet.F,v $ * Revision 1.8 1999/04/08 16:02:38 mclareni * Version 7.44 from authors * * #include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" SUBROUTINE BUILD_PJET(RCP_BANK) C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C- C- Purpose and Methods : To add PJET banks to existing ISAJET data C- if PJET does not already exist. C- C- Inputs : RCP_BANK - Name of RCP BANK containing PJET PARAMETERS C- Outputs : none C- Controls: none C- C- Created 12-JAN-1990 Chip Stewart, Harrison B Prosper C- C---------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(CERNLIB_IMPNONE) IMPLICIT NONE #endif CHARACTER*(*) RCP_BANK C INTEGER LISAQ,LPJHD INTEGER GZISAQ,GZPJHD INTEGER ND,NS,NPJET C #include "zebcom.inc" #include "izpjhd.inc" C C---------------------------------------------------------------------- C C **** Check if PJET exists; check number of links in ISAE C IF ( LISAE .LE. 0 ) GOTO 999 C NS = IQ(LISAE-2) ! Number of structural links C IF ( NS .GE. IZPJHD ) GOTO 998 ! make PJET anyway C C **** Make 2 new links C CALL MZPUSH ( IXCOM, LISAE, 2, 0, ' ') ! MZPUSH 2 NEW REFERENCE LINKS C C **** Make one new reference link C LISAQ = GZISAQ () ! Address of first ISAQ 1 CALL MZPUSH ( IXCOM, LISAQ, 1, 0, ' ') ! MZPUSH 1 NEW REFERENCE LINKS LISAQ = LQ (LISAQ) ! NEXT ISAQ IF ( LISAQ.GT. 0 ) GOTO 1 C C **** DO PJET CALCULATIONS - IF NO RCP FILE THEN C **** USE DEFAULTS SET IN PJPGET C 998 CALL PJET_RCP(RCP_BANK) CALL PJETFL LPJHD=GZPJHD () NPJET=IQ(LPJHD+3) IQ(LISAE+7)=NPJET ! Number of of PJET banks 999 RETURN END