* * $Id: calini.F,v 1.8 1999/04/08 16:02:25 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: calini.F,v $ * Revision 1.8 1999/04/08 16:02:25 mclareni * Version 7.44 from authors * * #include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" SUBROUTINE CALINI C C Initialize calorimeter for CALSIM and GETJET. Note that C because the initialization is separate, CALSIM can be C called more than once to simulate pileup of several events. C #if defined(CERNLIB_IMPNONE) IMPLICIT NONE #endif C ISAJET common blocks #include "itapes.inc" C C ISAPLT common blocks #include "calor.inc" #include "getjet.inc" C INTEGER IPHI,IY REAL PHIX,YX,THX C Initialize ET array. DO 100 IPHI=1,NCPHI DO 100 IY=1,NCY ET(IY,IPHI)=0. ETEM(IY,IPHI)=0. 100 CONTINUE C C Calculate trig. functions. DO 200 IPHI=1,NCPHI PHIX=DELPHI*(IPHI-.5) CPHCAL(IPHI)=COS(PHIX) SPHCAL(IPHI)=SIN(PHIX) 200 CONTINUE DO 300 IY=1,NCY YX=DELY*(IY-.5)+YCMIN THX=2.*ATAN(EXP(-YX)) CTHCAL(IY)=COS(THX) STHCAL(IY)=SIN(THX) 300 CONTINUE RETURN END