#include "isajet/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE SSMSSM(XMG,XMU,XMHA,XTANB,XMQ1,XMDR,XMUR, $XML1,XMER,XMQ2,XMSR,XMCR,XML2,XMMR,XMQ3,XMBR,XMTR, $XML3,XMLR,XAT,XAB,XAL,XM1,XM2,XMT,IALLOW,IMODEL) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C C Calculate MSSM masses and decays using parameters: C XM1 = U(1) mass C > 1e19: use scaling from XMG C XM2 = SU(2) mass C > 1e19: use scaling from XMG C XMG = gluino mass C XMQ1,... = 1st gen. su(2) soft squark mass,... C XMTL = m(stop-left) C XMTR = m(stop-right) C XMBR = m(sbot-right) C XML1 = left selectron mass C XMER = right selectron mass C XMN1 = 1st ge. sneutrino mass C XTANB = v/v' = ratio of vev's C XMU = -2*m_1 = SUSY Higgs mass C XMHA = m(pseudo-scalar-Higgs) C XMT = m(top) C XAT = stop trilinear coupling C XAB = sbottom trilinear coupling C XAL = stau trilinear coupling C IALLOW = 0 for valid point, 1 otherwise C IMODEL = 1 for SUGRA or MSSM, 2 for GMSB C C Program outline: C SSMSSM: Initialize standard model parameters in /SSSM/ and C SUSY parameters in /SSPAR/. C SSMASS: Calculate dependent SUSY masses and mixings. C SSTPBF: Calculate top decays; save in /SSMODE/. C SSSTBF: Calculate stop decays; save in /SSMODE/. C SSGLBF: Calcualte gluino decays; save in /SSMODE/. C SSQKBF: Calculate squark decays; save in /SSMODE/. C SSWZBF: Calculate gaugino decays; save in /SSMODE/. C SSHIBF: Calculate Higgs decays; save in /SSMODE/. C C Notes: C 1) All particle ID codes are defined with symbolic names in C /SSTYPE/, making it easy to change them. C C 2) /SSMODE/ contains the parent, the daughters, the width, and C the branching ratio for each mode. Decay modes for a given parent C need not be adjacent, so they must be sorted at the end. C C 3) Some of Baer's original routines used single precision and others C double precision. To accomodate this, the variable names used in C /SSSM/ and /SSPAR/ have all been changed to longer, more C descriptive ones. C C 4) All routines have been strongly typed. C C Source: H. Baer, et al. C Modified: F. Paige, Aug. 1992 C----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(CERNLIB_IMPNONE) IMPLICIT NONE #endif #include "isajet/sslun.inc" #include "isajet/ssmode.inc" #include "isajet/sssm.inc" #include "isajet/sspar.inc" #include "isajet/dkyss3.inc" C REAL XR21,PI,SR2 REAL XMG,XMU,XMHA,XTANB,XMQ1,XMDR,XMUR,XML1,XMER,XMQ2,XMSR, $XMCR,XML2,XMMR,XMQ3,XMBR,XMTR,XML3,XMLR,XAT,XAB,XAL,XM1,XM2, $XMT,MU1,MU2,BETA,COS2B INTEGER IALLOW,MHLNEG,MHCNEG,IMODEL C NSSMOD=0 C C Standard model and SUSY parameters C IALLOW=0 XR21=1./XTANB PI=4.*ATAN(1.) SR2=SQRT(2.) AMDN=0.0099 AMUP=0.0056 AMST=0.199 AMCH=1.35 AMBT=5.0 AMTP=XMT AME=0.511E-3 AMMU=0.105 AMTAU=1.784 AMW=80.0 AMZ=91.17 GAMW=2.12 GAMZ=2.487 ALFAEM=1./128. SN2THW=0.232 ALFA2=ALFAEM/SN2THW BETA=ATAN(XTANB) COS2B=COS(2*BETA) C C SU(2) and U(1) gaugino masses are reset in SSMASS if C they are > 1e19. C MU2=XM2 MU1=XM1 C Set 2nd gen soft terms equal to 1st gen. soft terms c unless previously set by user. IF (XMQ2.GE.1.E19) THEN XMQ2=XMQ1 XMSR=XMDR XMCR=XMUR XML2=XML1 XMMR=XMER END IF C C The results can be quite sensitive to the choice of the C 4-flavor QCD scale ALQCD4 and the expression for the QCD C coupling ALFA3. Select among the following lines: C ALQCD4=0.177 ALFA3=0.12 C C Calculate simple masses; other masses via SSMASS AMGLSS=XMG AMULSS=SQRT(XMQ1**2+AMUP**2+(.5-2.*SN2THW/3.)*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMURSS=SQRT(XMUR**2+AMUP**2+2./3.*SN2THW*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMDLSS=SQRT(XMQ1**2+AMDN**2+(-.5+SN2THW/3.)*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMDRSS=SQRT(XMDR**2+AMDN**2-1./3.*SN2THW*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMCLSS=SQRT(XMQ2**2+AMCH**2+(.5-2.*SN2THW/3.)*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMCRSS=SQRT(XMCR**2+AMCH**2+2./3.*SN2THW*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMSLSS=SQRT(XMQ2**2+AMST**2+(-.5+SN2THW/3.)*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMSRSS=SQRT(XMSR**2+AMST**2-1./3.*SN2THW*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMELSS=SQRT(XML1**2+AME**2-(.5-SN2THW)*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMERSS=SQRT(XMER**2+AME**2-SN2THW*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMMLSS=SQRT(XML2**2+AMMU**2-(.5-SN2THW)*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMMRSS=SQRT(XMMR**2+AMMU**2-SN2THW*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMN1SS=SQRT(XML1**2+.5*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMN2SS=SQRT(XML2**2+.5*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMN3SS=SQRT(XML3**2+.5*AMZ**2*COS2B) AMTLSS=XMQ3 AMTRSS=XMTR AMBLSS=XMQ3 AMBRSS=XMBR AMLLSS=XML3 AMLRSS=XMLR AMHA=XMHA AAT=XAT AAB=XAB AAL=XAL TWOM1=-XMU RV2V1=XR21 C C Calculate mass eigenstates and check Z1SS = LSP C CALL SSMASS(MU1,MU2,IALLOW,1,MHLNEG,MHCNEG,IMODEL) IF (MHLNEG.EQ.1.OR.MHCNEG.EQ.1) IALLOW=10 C IF(IALLOW.NE.0) RETURN C C Initialize counters for matrix elements C Calculate decay widths and branching rations C NMSS3=0 NPSS3=0 CALL SSTPBF CALL SSGLBF CALL SSQKBF CALL SSSTBF CALL SSLPBF CALL SSWZBF CALL SSHIBF C RETURN END