#include "isajet/pilot.h" FUNCTION SSFEL(X,INIT) C*********************************************************************** C* Computes the electron spectrum as a convolution of the beam- and * C* bremsstrahlung-spectra, including leading-log summation for the lat-* C* ter (in one-loop order), and Chen's approximate expression for the * C* former. X is the e energy in units of the nominal beam energy, and * C* BETA is 2 alpha_em / pi (log s/me^2 - 1). If more than 99.5% of all * C* electrons are in the delta-peak, beamstrahlung is ignored. Other- * C* wise, beamstrahlung is included. In the latter case, the complete * C* spectrum is computed at the first call (with INIT=1), and fitted in * C* a cubic spline; in later calls (with INIT=0), only the spline is * C* used. This reduces the necessary amount of CPU time considerably. * C* This subroutine needs the programs BEAMEL, SIMAU8, and SPLINE. * C*********************************************************************** #include "isajet/eepar.inc" REAL Y,XLMM,XL,GAM,RE,XKAPPA,NUCL,NUGAM,NGAM,DC,SSFEL, $DX,TAU(100),C(4,100),QSQ,EB,XMIN,XM,Z,RES,SSXINT,Y2,H,S INTEGER I COMMON /BREMBM/ QSQ,EB,XMIN SAVE DC,NGAM,C,TAU EXTERNAL FBRBM IF(INIT.NE.0) THEN C Compute delta function contribution Y=UPSLON XLMM=SIGZ XLMM = 2*SQRT(3.)*XLMM XL = XLMM*1.E12/.197327 GAM = EB/5.11E-4 RE = 1./(137.*5.11E-4) XKAPPA = 2./(3.*Y) NUCL = 2.5*Y/(SQRT(3.)*137.**2*GAM*RE) NUGAM = NUCL/SQRT(1.+Y**.6666666) NGAM=.5*NUGAM*XL DC = (1.-EXP(-NGAM))/NGAM SSFEL=0. C No initialization needed if >.995 included in delta peak IF(DC.GT..995) RETURN C *** Computation of 'knots' *** DX = .05 DO 100 I = 1, 19 100 TAU(I) = FLOAT(I-1)*DX DO 110 I = 1, 9 110 TAU(19+I) = .9 + FLOAT(I)*1.E-2 DO 120 I = 1, 5 120 TAU(28+I) = .99 + FLOAT(I)*1.E-3 DO 121 I = 1, 12 121 TAU(33+I) = .995 + FLOAT(I)*2.5E-4 DO 130 I = 1, 20 130 TAU(45+I) = .998 + FLOAT(I)*1.E-4 C *** Computation of corresponding y-values (electron densities) *** XM = TAU(65) DO 140 I = 1,65 Z = TAU(I) XMIN = Z RES=SSXINT(Z,FBRBM,XM) 140 C(1,I) = RES +DC*ESTRUC(Z,QSQ) C *** Computation of derivative at zero *** Z = 1.E-5 XMIN = Z RES=SSXINT(Z,FBRBM,XM) Y1 = RES + DC*ESTRUC(Z,QSQ) Z = 1.E-4 XMIN = Z RES=SSXINT(Z,FBRBM,XM) Y2 = RES + DC*ESTRUC(Z,QSQ) C(1,2) = (Y2-Y1)/(1.E-4 - 1.E-5) 147 CALL SPLINE(TAU,C,65,1,0) RETURN ENDIF IF(X.GT..999999) THEN Z = .999999 ELSE Z = X ENDIF DC = (1.-EXP(-NGAM))/NGAM IF(DC.GT..995) THEN SSFEL = DC*ESTRUC(Z,QSQ) RETURN ENDIF DO 2 I = 1, 64 2 IF(Z.LT.TAU(I+1)) GOTO 3 3 H = Z - TAU(I) S = C(1,I) + H * ( C(2,I) + H*(C(3,I)+H*C(4,I)) ) SSFEL = S RETURN END