#include "isajet/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE SPLINE(X,C,N,IBCBEG,IBCEND) C********************************************************************** C* Computes the coefficient of a cubic interpolating spline. The X(i),* C* i=1,...,N, are the knots or x-values of data points; C(1,i) are * C* the corresponding y-values. N is the number of data points (>3!). * C* IBCBEG = 0 means that the slope at X(1) is unknown, in which case * C* it is determined from requiring a smooth 3rd derivative at x(2); * C* IBCBEG = 1 means that the slope is known, in which case it has to * C* be stored in C(1,2). IBCEND has the same meaning for the end of * C* x-region; if IBCEND = 1, the slope is to be stored in C(2,N). The * C* routine then computes the coefficients C(l,i) of the i-th spline, * C* written in the form * C* f_i(x) = C(1,i) + h_i C(2,i) + h_i^2 C(3,i) + h_i^3 C(4,i), where * C* h_i = x - X(I). * C Modified from contributed subroutine by M. Drees, 1/14/99 C********************************************************************** REAL C(4,N),X(N),G,DTAU,DIVDF1,DIVDF3 INTEGER N,IBCBEG,IBCEND,I,L,M L = N - 1 DO 10 M = 2, N C(3,M) = X(M) - X(M-1) 10 C(4,M) = (C(1,M) - C(1,M-1))/C(3,M) IF(IBCBEG.EQ.0) THEN ! First slope unknown C(4,1) = C(3,3) C(3,1) = C(3,2) + C(3,3) C(2,1) = ( (C(3,2)+2.0*C(3,1))*C(4,2)*C(3,3) + & C(3,2)**2*C(4,3) )/C(3,1) ELSE ! First slope already known C(4,1) = 1.0 C(3,1) = 0.0 ENDIF DO 20 M = 2, L ! Forward pass of Gauss elimination G = -C(3,M+1)/C(4,M-1) C(2,M) = G*C(2,M-1) + 3.0*(C(3,M)*C(4,M+1)+C(3,M+1)*C(4,M)) 20 C(4,M) = G*C(3,M-1) + 2.0*(C(3,M)+C(3,M+1)) IF(IBCEND.EQ.0) THEN G = C(3,N-1) + C(3,N) C(2,N) = ( (C(3,N)+2.0*G)*C(4,N)*C(3,N-1) + & C(3,N)**2*(C(1,N-1)-C(1,N-2))/C(3,N-1) )/G G = -G/C(4,N-1) C(4,N) = (G+1.0)*C(3,N-1) + C(4,N) C(2,N) = ( G*C(2,N-1) + C(2,N) )/C(4,N) ENDIF DO 30 J = L,1,-1 ! Back substitution 30 C(2,J) = ( C(2,J) - C(3,J)*C(2,J+1) )/C(4,J) DO 40 I = 2,N ! Computation of coefficients DTAU = C(3,I) DIVDF1 = (C(1,I)-C(1,I-1))/DTAU DIVDF3 = C(2,I-1) + C(2,I) - 2.0*DIVDF1 C(3,I-1) = ( DIVDF1 - C(2,I-1) - DIVDF3 ) / DTAU 40 C(4,I-1) = DIVDF3/DTAU/DTAU RETURN END