#include "isajet/pilot.h" FUNCTION EBEAM(X,E) C*********************************************************************** C* Modified from contributed subroutine by M. Drees (1/8/99) C* Computes the effective single elctrn spectrum from beamstrahlung at * C* e+e- colliders, using Chen's approximate expressions, for a given * C* beamstrahlung parameter Y; is supposed to work for Y <= 10 or so. * C* The quantities in the COMMON block are the beamstrahlungs parameter * C* Y, the bunch length XL in GeV, the number of photons NGAM, and the * C* parameters NUCL, NUGAM, W, XKAPPA defined by Chen, as well as the * C* pre-factor FAC. Y, E and XLMM are read in by BEAM when it is called * C* for the first time, with INIT=1; in this first run the other para- * C* meters are then computed, and simply used in later calls with * C* INIT = 0. This COMMON block should be present in the main program * C* in order to guarantee the survival of these parameters. Finally, X * C* is the electron energy in units of the nominal beam energy. Notice * C* that BEAMEL is only the part which is NOT proportional to * C* delta(1-X); the coefficient of the delta-function is simply * C* (1-exp(-NGAM))/NGAM. * C*********************************************************************** #include "isajet/eepar.inc" REAL XLMM,XL,GAM,RE,XKAPPA,NUCL,NUGAM,NGAM,X,NUBAR, $ETA,EPS,HFAC,RAT,MTERM,TERM,HBAR,XN,EBEAM,Y,E,GAMMA EXTERNAL GAMMA Y=UPSLON XLMM=SIGZ XLMM = 2.E0*SQRT(3.E0)*XLMM XL = XLMM*1.E12/.197327E0 GAM = E/5.11E-4 RE = 1.E0/(137.E0*5.11E-4) XKAPPA = 2.E0/(3.E0*Y) NUCL = 2.5E0*Y/(SQRT(3.E0)*137.E0**2*GAM*RE) NUGAM = NUCL/SQRT(1.E0+Y**.6666666E0) NGAM = .5E0*NUGAM*XL IF(X.LT.1.E-5) X=1.E-5 IF(X.GT..99999) X=.99999 NUBAR = X*NUCL + (1.0-X)*NUGAM ETA = XKAPPA*(1.0/X-1.0) IF(ETA.GT.5.E1) THEN EBEAM = 1.E-20 RETURN ENDIF EPS = 1.E-4 HFAC = EXP(-ETA)/(NGAM*(1.E0-X)) IF(HFAC.LT.1.E0) EPS = EPS/SQRT(HFAC) RAT = NUBAR/NUGAM*(ETA**.33333333E0) MTERM = RAT TERM = MTERM/GAMMA(.33333E0)*DINCGM(2.D0,DBLE(NGAM),DBLE(EPS)) HBAR = TERM XN = 1.0 1 XN = XN+1.0 MTERM = MTERM*RAT/XN TERM = MTERM/GAMMA(XN/3.)* $DINCGM(DBLE(XN)+1.D0,DBLE(NGAM),DBLE(EPS)) HBAR = HBAR+TERM IF(ABS(TERM/HBAR).GT.EPS) GO TO 1 EBEAM = HFAC * HBAR IF(EBEAM.LT.0.) EBEAM = 1.E-20 RETURN END