* * $Id: pykcut.F,v 1996/01/11 14:05:30 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: pykcut.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/11 14:05:30 mclareni * Fritiof * * C********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE PYKCUT(MCUT) C...Dummy routine, which the user can replace in order to make cuts on C...the kinematics on the parton level before the matrix elements are C...evaluated and the event is generated. The cross-section estimates C...will automatically take these cuts into account, so the given C...values are for the allowed phase space region only. MCUT=0 means C...that the event has passed the cuts, MCUT=1 that it has failed. COMMON/PYINT1/MINT(400),VINT(400) COMMON/PYINT2/ISET(200),KFPR(200,2),COEF(200,20),ICOL(40,4,2) SAVE /PYINT1/,/PYINT2/ C...Set default value (accepting event) for MCUT. MCUT=0 C...Read out subprocess number. ISUB=MINT(1) ISTSB=ISET(ISUB) C...Read out tau, y*, cos(theta), tau' (where defined, else =0). TAU=VINT(21) YST=VINT(22) CTH=0. IF(ISTSB.EQ.2.OR.ISTSB.EQ.4.OR.ISTSB.EQ.6) CTH=VINT(23) TAUP=0. IF(ISTSB.GE.3.AND.ISTSB.LE.5) TAUP=VINT(26) C...Calculate x_1, x_2, x_F. IF(ISTSB.LE.2.OR.ISTSB.GE.6) THEN X1=SQRT(TAU)*EXP(YST) X2=SQRT(TAU)*EXP(-YST) ELSE X1=SQRT(TAUP)*EXP(YST) X2=SQRT(TAUP)*EXP(-YST) ENDIF XF=X1-X2 C...Calculate shat, that, uhat, p_T^2. SHAT=TAU*VINT(2) SQM3=VINT(63) SQM4=VINT(64) RM3=SQM3/SHAT RM4=SQM4/SHAT BE34=SQRT(MAX(0.,(1.-RM3-RM4)**2-4.*RM3*RM4)) RPTS=4.*VINT(71)**2/SHAT BE34L=SQRT(MAX(0.,(1.-RM3-RM4)**2-4.*RM3*RM4-RPTS)) RM34=2.*RM3*RM4 RSQM=1.+RM34 RTHM=(4.*RM3*RM4+RPTS)/(1.-RM3-RM4+BE34L) THAT=-0.5*SHAT*MAX(RTHM,1.-RM3-RM4-BE34*CTH) UHAT=-0.5*SHAT*MAX(RTHM,1.-RM3-RM4+BE34*CTH) PT2=MAX(VINT(71)**2,0.25*SHAT*BE34**2*(1.-CTH**2)) C...Decisions by user to be put here. RETURN END