* * $Id: lutest.F,v 1996/01/11 14:05:26 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: lutest.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/11 14:05:26 mclareni * Fritiof * * C********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE LUTEST(MTEST) C...Purpose: to provide a simple program (disguised as subroutine) to C...run at installation as a check that the program works as intended. COMMON/LUJETS/N,K(4000,5),P(4000,5),V(4000,5) COMMON/LUDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) SAVE /LUJETS/,/LUDAT1/ DIMENSION PSUM(5),PINI(6),PFIN(6) C...Loop over events to be generated. IF(MTEST.GE.1) CALL LUTABU(20) NERR=0 DO 170 IEV=1,600 C...Reset parameter values. Switch on some nonstandard features. MSTJ(1)=1 MSTJ(3)=0 MSTJ(11)=1 MSTJ(42)=2 MSTJ(43)=4 MSTJ(44)=2 PARJ(17)=0.1 PARJ(22)=1.5 PARJ(43)=1. PARJ(54)=-0.05 MSTJ(101)=5 MSTJ(104)=5 MSTJ(105)=0 MSTJ(107)=1 IF(IEV.EQ.301.OR.IEV.EQ.351.OR.IEV.EQ.401) MSTJ(116)=3 C...Ten events each for some single jets configurations. IF(IEV.LE.50) THEN ITY=(IEV+9)/10 MSTJ(3)=-1 IF(ITY.EQ.3.OR.ITY.EQ.4) MSTJ(11)=2 IF(ITY.EQ.1) CALL LU1ENT(1,1,15.,0.,0.) IF(ITY.EQ.2) CALL LU1ENT(1,3101,15.,0.,0.) IF(ITY.EQ.3) CALL LU1ENT(1,-2203,15.,0.,0.) IF(ITY.EQ.4) CALL LU1ENT(1,-4,30.,0.,0.) IF(ITY.EQ.5) CALL LU1ENT(1,21,15.,0.,0.) C...Ten events each for some simple jet systems; string fragmentation. ELSEIF(IEV.LE.130) THEN ITY=(IEV-41)/10 IF(ITY.EQ.1) CALL LU2ENT(1,1,-1,40.) IF(ITY.EQ.2) CALL LU2ENT(1,4,-4,30.) IF(ITY.EQ.3) CALL LU2ENT(1,2,2103,100.) IF(ITY.EQ.4) CALL LU2ENT(1,21,21,40.) IF(ITY.EQ.5) CALL LU3ENT(1,2101,21,-3203,30.,0.6,0.8) IF(ITY.EQ.6) CALL LU3ENT(1,5,21,-5,40.,0.9,0.8) IF(ITY.EQ.7) CALL LU3ENT(1,21,21,21,60.,0.7,0.5) IF(ITY.EQ.8) CALL LU4ENT(1,2,21,21,-2,40.,0.4,0.64,0.6,0.12,0.2) C...Seventy events with independent fragmentation and momentum cons. ELSEIF(IEV.LE.200) THEN ITY=1+(IEV-131)/16 MSTJ(2)=1+MOD(IEV-131,4) MSTJ(3)=1+MOD((IEV-131)/4,4) IF(ITY.EQ.1) CALL LU2ENT(1,4,-5,40.) IF(ITY.EQ.2) CALL LU3ENT(1,3,21,-3,40.,0.9,0.4) IF(ITY.EQ.3) CALL LU4ENT(1,2,21,21,-2,40.,0.4,0.64,0.6,0.12,0.2) IF(ITY.GE.4) CALL LU4ENT(1,2,-3,3,-2,40.,0.4,0.64,0.6,0.12,0.2) C...A hundred events with random jets (check invariant mass). ELSEIF(IEV.LE.300) THEN 100 DO 110 J=1,5 110 PSUM(J)=0. NJET=2.+6.*RLU(0) DO 120 I=1,NJET KFL=21 IF(I.EQ.1) KFL=INT(1.+4.*RLU(0)) IF(I.EQ.NJET) KFL=-INT(1.+4.*RLU(0)) EJET=5.+20.*RLU(0) THETA=ACOS(2.*RLU(0)-1.) PHI=6.2832*RLU(0) IF(I.LT.NJET) CALL LU1ENT(-I,KFL,EJET,THETA,PHI) IF(I.EQ.NJET) CALL LU1ENT(I,KFL,EJET,THETA,PHI) IF(I.EQ.1.OR.I.EQ.NJET) PSUM(5)=PSUM(5)+ULMASS(KFL) DO 120 J=1,4 120 PSUM(J)=PSUM(J)+P(I,J) IF(PSUM(4)**2-PSUM(1)**2-PSUM(2)**2-PSUM(3)**2.LT. & (PSUM(5)+PARJ(32))**2) GOTO 100 C...Fifty e+e- continuum events with matrix elements. ELSEIF(IEV.LE.350) THEN MSTJ(101)=2 CALL LUEEVT(0,40.) C...Fifty e+e- continuum event with varying shower options. ELSEIF(IEV.LE.400) THEN MSTJ(42)=1+MOD(IEV,2) MSTJ(43)=1+MOD(IEV/2,4) MSTJ(44)=MOD(IEV/8,3) CALL LUEEVT(0,90.) C...Fifty e+e- continuum events with coherent shower, including top. ELSEIF(IEV.LE.450) THEN MSTJ(104)=6 CALL LUEEVT(0,500.) C...Fifty Upsilon decays to ggg or gammagg with coherent shower. ELSEIF(IEV.LE.500) THEN CALL LUONIA(5,9.46) C...One decay each for some heavy mesons. ELSEIF(IEV.LE.560) THEN ITY=IEV-501 KFLS=2*(ITY/20)+1 KFLB=8-MOD(ITY/5,4) KFLC=KFLB-MOD(ITY,5) CALL LU1ENT(1,100*KFLB+10*KFLC+KFLS,0.,0.,0.) C...One decay each for some heavy baryons. ELSEIF(IEV.LE.600) THEN ITY=IEV-561 KFLS=2*(ITY/20)+2 KFLA=8-MOD(ITY/5,4) KFLB=KFLA-MOD(ITY,5) KFLC=MAX(1,KFLB-1) CALL LU1ENT(1,1000*KFLA+100*KFLB+10*KFLC+KFLS,0.,0.,0.) ENDIF C...Generate event. Find total momentum, energy and charge. DO 130 J=1,4 130 PINI(J)=PLU(0,J) PINI(6)=PLU(0,6) CALL LUEXEC DO 140 J=1,4 140 PFIN(J)=PLU(0,J) PFIN(6)=PLU(0,6) C...Check conservation of energy, momentum and charge; C...usually exact, but only approximate for single jets. MERR=0 IF(IEV.LE.50) THEN IF((PFIN(1)-PINI(1))**2+(PFIN(2)-PINI(2))**2.GE.4.) MERR=MERR+1 EPZREM=PINI(4)+PINI(3)-PFIN(4)-PFIN(3) IF(EPZREM.LT.0..OR.EPZREM.GT.2.*PARJ(31)) MERR=MERR+1 IF(ABS(PFIN(6)-PINI(6)).GT.2.1) MERR=MERR+1 ELSE DO 150 J=1,4 150 IF(ABS(PFIN(J)-PINI(J)).GT.0001*PINI(4)) MERR=MERR+1 IF(ABS(PFIN(6)-PINI(6)).GT.0.1) MERR=MERR+1 ENDIF IF(MERR.NE.0) WRITE(MSTU(11),5000) (PINI(J),J=1,4),PINI(6), &(PFIN(J),J=1,4),PFIN(6) C...Check that all KF codes are known ones, and that partons/particles C...satisfy energy-momentum-mass relation. Store particle statistics. DO 160 I=1,N IF(K(I,1).GT.20) GOTO 160 IF(LUCOMP(K(I,2)).EQ.0) THEN WRITE(MSTU(11),5100) I MERR=MERR+1 ENDIF PD=P(I,4)**2-P(I,1)**2-P(I,2)**2-P(I,3)**2-P(I,5)**2 IF(ABS(PD).GT.MAX(0.1,0.001*P(I,4)**2).OR.P(I,4).LT.0.) THEN WRITE(MSTU(11),5200) I MERR=MERR+1 ENDIF 160 CONTINUE IF(MTEST.GE.1) CALL LUTABU(21) C...List all erroneous events and some normal ones. IF(MERR.NE.0.OR.MSTU(24).NE.0.OR.MSTU(28).NE.0) THEN CALL LULIST(2) ELSEIF(MTEST.GE.1.AND.MOD(IEV-5,100).EQ.0) THEN CALL LULIST(1) ENDIF C...Stop execution if too many errors. Endresult of run. IF(MERR.NE.0) NERR=NERR+1 IF(NERR.GE.10) THEN WRITE(MSTU(11),5300) IEV STOP ENDIF 170 CONTINUE IF(MTEST.GE.1) CALL LUTABU(22) WRITE(MSTU(11),5400) NERR C...Reset commonblock variables changed during run. MSTJ(2)=3 PARJ(17)=0. PARJ(22)=1. PARJ(43)=0.5 PARJ(54)=0. MSTJ(105)=1 MSTJ(107)=0 C...Format statements for output. 5000 FORMAT(/' Momentum, energy and/or charge were not conserved ', &'in following event'/' sum of',9X,'px',11X,'py',11X,'pz',11X, &'E',8X,'charge'/' before',2X,4(1X,F12.5),1X,F8.2/' after',3X, &4(1X,F12.5),1X,F8.2) 5100 FORMAT(/5X,'Entry no.',I4,' in following event not known code') 5200 FORMAT(/5X,'Entry no.',I4,' in following event has faulty ', &'kinematics') 5300 FORMAT(/5X,'Ten errors experienced by event ',I3/ &5X,'Something is seriously wrong! Execution stopped now!') 5400 FORMAT(/5X,'Number of erroneous or suspect events in run:',I3/ &5X,'(0 fine, 1 acceptable if a single jet, ', &'>=2 something is wrong)') RETURN END