* * $Id: lu1ent.F,v 1996/01/11 14:05:22 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: lu1ent.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/11 14:05:22 mclareni * Fritiof * * C********************************************************************* C********************************************************************* C* ** C* June 1991 ** C* ** C* The Lund Monte Carlo for Jet Fragmentation and e+e- Physics ** C* ** C* JETSET version 7.3 ** C* ** C* Torbjorn Sjostrand ** C* ** C* CERN/TH, CH-1211 Geneva 23 ** C* BITNET/EARN address TORSJO@CERNVM ** C* Tel. +22 - 767 28 20 ** C* ** C* LUSHOW is written together with Mats Bengtsson ** C* ** C* A complete manual exists on a separate file ** C* Please report any program errors to the author! ** C* ** C* Copyright Torbjorn Sjostrand ** C* ** C********************************************************************* C********************************************************************* C * C List of subprograms in order of appearance, with main purpose * C (S = subroutine, F = function, B = block data) * C * C S LU1ENT to fill one entry (= parton or particle) * C S LU2ENT to fill two entries * C S LU3ENT to fill three entries * C S LU4ENT to fill four entries * C S LUJOIN to connect entries with colour flow information * C S LUGIVE to fill (or query) commonblock variables * C S LUEXEC to administrate fragmentation and decay chain * C S LUPREP to rearrange showered partons along strings * C S LUSTRF to do string fragmentation of jet system * C S LUINDF to do independent fragmentation of one or many jets * C S LUDECY to do the decay of a particle * C S LUKFDI to select parton and hadron flavours in fragm * C S LUPTDI to select transverse momenta in fragm * C S LUZDIS to select longitudinal scaling variable in fragm * C S LUSHOW to do timelike parton shower evolution * C S LUBOEI to include Bose-Einstein effects (crudely) * C F ULMASS to give the mass of a particle or parton * C S LUNAME to give the name of a particle or parton * C F LUCHGE to give three times the electric charge * C F LUCOMP to compress standard KF flavour code to internal KC * C S LUERRM to write error messages and abort faulty run * C F ULALEM to give the alpha_electromagnetic value * C F ULALPS to give the alpha_strong value * C F ULANGL to give the angle from known x and y components * C F RLU to provide a random number generator * C S RLUGET to save the state of the random number generator * C S RLUSET to set the state of the random number generator * C S LUROBO to rotate and/or boost an event * C S LUEDIT to remove unwanted entries from record * C S LULIST to list event record or particle data * C S LUUPDA to update particle data * C F KLU to provide integer-valued event information * C F PLU to provide real-valued event information * C S LUSPHE to perform sphericity analysis * C S LUTHRU to perform thrust analysis * C S LUCLUS to perform three-dimensional cluster analysis * C S LUCELL to perform cluster analysis in (eta, phi, E_T) * C S LUJMAS to give high and low jet mass of event * C S LUFOWO to give Fox-Wolfram moments * C S LUTABU to analyze events, with tabular output * C * C S LUEEVT to administrate the generation of an e+e- event * C S LUXTOT to give the total cross-section at given CM energy * C S LURADK to generate initial state photon radiation * C S LUXKFL to select flavour of primary qqbar pair * C S LUXJET to select (matrix element) jet multiplicity * C S LUX3JT to select kinematics of three-jet event * C S LUX4JT to select kinematics of four-jet event * C S LUXDIF to select angular orientation of event * C S LUONIA to perform generation of onium decay to gluons * C * C S LUHEPC to convert between /LUJETS/ and /HEPEVT/ records * C S LUTEST to test the proper functioning of the package * C B LUDATA to contain default values and particle data * C * C********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE LU1ENT(IP,KF,PE,THE,PHI) C...Purpose: to store one parton/particle in commonblock LUJETS. COMMON/LUJETS/N,K(4000,5),P(4000,5),V(4000,5) COMMON/LUDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) COMMON/LUDAT2/KCHG(500,3),PMAS(500,4),PARF(2000),VCKM(4,4) SAVE /LUJETS/,/LUDAT1/,/LUDAT2/ C...Standard checks. MSTU(28)=0 IF(MSTU(12).GE.1) CALL LULIST(0) IPA=MAX(1,IABS(IP)) IF(IPA.GT.MSTU(4)) CALL LUERRM(21, &'(LU1ENT:) writing outside LUJETS memory') KC=LUCOMP(KF) IF(KC.EQ.0) CALL LUERRM(12,'(LU1ENT:) unknown flavour code') C...Find mass. Reset K, P and V vectors. PM=0. IF(MSTU(10).EQ.1) PM=P(IPA,5) IF(MSTU(10).GE.2) PM=ULMASS(KF) DO 100 J=1,5 K(IPA,J)=0 P(IPA,J)=0. 100 V(IPA,J)=0. C...Store parton/particle in K and P vectors. K(IPA,1)=1 IF(IP.LT.0) K(IPA,1)=2 K(IPA,2)=KF P(IPA,5)=PM P(IPA,4)=MAX(PE,PM) PA=SQRT(P(IPA,4)**2-P(IPA,5)**2) P(IPA,1)=PA*SIN(THE)*COS(PHI) P(IPA,2)=PA*SIN(THE)*SIN(PHI) P(IPA,3)=PA*COS(THE) C...Set N. Optionally fragment/decay. N=IPA IF(IP.EQ.0) CALL LUEXEC RETURN END