* * $Id: frtorst.F,v 1996/01/11 14:05:20 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: frtorst.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/11 14:05:20 mclareni * Fritiof * * C********************************* END FRHELGE ************************** C************************************************************************* C This is the routine package that sets up strings for Ariadne * C************************************************************************* C********************************* FRTORST ****************************** SUBROUTINE FRTORST(L,J) C------------------------------------------------------------------ C Purpose: to set parton codes and momenta before entering ARIADNE and C JETSET, and to take care of the diffractive hadrons. Fills common block C LUJETS. J is the nucleon label in nuclus. L=1 for projectile and =2 C for the target. C From here FRANGUR are called that handles the diffractive particles, C FRATLEO that sets parton momenta and calls ARIADNE. C------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (D) PARAMETER (KSZ1=20,KSZ2=300) COMMON/FRINTN0/PLI0(2,4),AOP(KSZ1),IOP(KSZ1),NFR(KSZ1) COMMON/FRINTN1/PPS(2,KSZ2,5),PPH(2,KSZ2,5),PPSY(2,KSZ2,5),PPA(2,5) COMMON/FRPARA1/KFR(KSZ1),VFR(KSZ1) SAVE /FRINTN0/,/FRINTN1/,/FRPARA1/ IF(IOP(15).EQ.0.AND.PPSY(L,J,5).LT.AOP(10+L)) THEN CALL FRANGUR(L,J) ELSE CALL FRATLEO(L,J) ENDIF RETURN END