* * $Id: frnucor.F,v 1996/01/11 14:05:19 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: frnucor.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/11 14:05:19 mclareni * Fritiof * * C********************************* END FRAACOL *************************** C********************************* FRNUCOR ******************************* SUBROUTINE FRNUCOR(L,NA,RMIN2,FMM,RMM,COR) C --- this subroutine determines nucleon coordinates inside a nucleus C and recenter the sampled nucleons with respect to the rest frame of C the nucleus center. L=1 for proj, L=2 for target. PARAMETER (KSZ2=300) DIMENSION COR(KSZ2,3),SUM(3) DO 150 J=1,NA C --- sample a nucleon from the nucleus C --- first, sample r 100 RR1=RMM*RLU(0) RR2=FMM*RLU(0) FR = FRROR(L,RR1) IF (RR2.LT.FR) THEN R=RR1 ELSE GOTO 100 ENDIF C --- then sample COS(sita) & fai DO 140 NUM=1,10 CTHITA=1.-2.*RLU(0) STHITA=FRSQR(MAX(0.,1.-CTHITA**2), 'SITFAI') FAI=6.2832*RLU(0) COR(J,1)=R*STHITA*COS(FAI) COR(J,2)=R*STHITA*SIN(FAI) COR(J,3)=R*CTHITA IF (J.EQ.1) GOTO 150 C --- check if there are two nucleons too close each other DO 130 J1=1,J-1 DICX=COR(J,1)-COR(J1,1) DICY=COR(J,2)-COR(J1,2) DICZ=COR(J,3)-COR(J1,3) DIC2=DICX*DICX+DICY*DICY+DICZ*DICZ C --- if two nucleons too close each other, sample THITA & FAI once more IF (DIC2.LT.RMIN2) GOTO 140 130 CONTINUE GOTO 150 140 CONTINUE C --- if 10 times of repeated saplings don't help, then sample R again GOTO 100 150 CONTINUE C --- recenter the sampled nucleons within a nucleus SUM(1)=0. SUM(2)=0. SUM(3)=0. DO 170 J=1,NA SUM(1)=SUM(1)+COR(J,1) SUM(2)=SUM(2)+COR(J,2) SUM(3)=SUM(3)+COR(J,3) 170 CONTINUE DO 180 J=1,NA COR(J,1)=COR(J,1)-SUM(1)/NA COR(J,2)=COR(J,2)-SUM(2)/NA COR(J,3)=COR(J,3)-SUM(3)/NA 180 CONTINUE C --- order the nucleons on increasing z-coordinates DO 220 J1=2,NA ZCO=COR(J1,3) DO 210 J2=1,J1-1 IF (ZCO.LT.COR(J2,3)) THEN XCO=COR(J1,1) YCO=COR(J1,2) DO 200 J3=1,J1-J2 COR(J1+1-J3,1)=COR(J1-J3,1) COR(J1+1-J3,2)=COR(J1-J3,2) COR(J1+1-J3,3)=COR(J1-J3,3) 200 CONTINUE COR(J2,1)=XCO COR(J2,2)=YCO COR(J2,3)=ZCO GOTO 220 ENDIF 210 CONTINUE 220 CONTINUE RETURN END