* * $Id: frmgout.F,v 1996/01/11 14:05:22 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: frmgout.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/11 14:05:22 mclareni * Fritiof * * C********************************* END FRBOOT1 ************************ C********************************* FRMGOUT ***************************** SUBROUTINE FRMGOUT(ID,ILIST,MESG,A,B,C,D,E) C...FOR GENERAL MESSAGE PRINT OUT .................................... C...ID: -50 - 50 ID number for the error: C..... If ID=0, the execution will be stopped upon MESG printout; C..... If ID>0, the execution will continue but the MESG printout C..... is limited to NTERM times; C..... If ID<0, the execution will continue with the MESG printout C...... but execution stops if it repeats NTERM times. C......A,B,C,D,E some variables to be printed out for inspection, C......... however, the will not be printed if they are all 0. C...ILIST=1: a full list including FR-status, event list, hard parton list C........ is given. C........ =0: full list suppressed. C.. C...MGO(1) - energy nonconservation in FRRINGO; C...MGO(2) - energy nonconservation in FRPPART; PARAMETER (KSZ1=20) COMMON/FRINTN0/PLI0(2,4),AOP(KSZ1),IOP(KSZ1),NFR(KSZ1) COMMON/LUDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) COMMON/FRJETS/NJ,KJ(100,5),PJ(100,5) COMMON/FRMGOV/MGO(-5:10) CHARACTER *(*) MESG SAVE /FRINTN0/,/LUDAT1/,/FRJETS/,/FRMGOV/ DATA NTERM/10/ 2 FORMAT(2X, A,3X,'Error ID=',I3,1x,'Count=',I3, /) MGO(ID) = MGO(ID)+1 IF(MGO(ID).LE.NTERM) IOP(16)=1 IF(ID.GT.0.AND.MGO(ID).GT.NTERM) RETURN IQAB = 1 IF(ABS(A)+ABS(B)+ABS(C)+ABS(D)+ABS(E).EQ.0.) THEN IQAB = -1 ENDIF WRITE(MSTU(11),10) NFR(1), IOP(1) WRITE(MSTU(11),2) MESG, ID, MGO(ID) IF(IQAB.GT.0) WRITE(MSTU(11),*) A,B,C,D,E CALL FRVALUE(0) IF(ILIST.EQ.1) THEN CALL LULIST(2) IF(NJ.GT.0) CALL FRHPLIS ENDIF WRITE(MSTU(11),20) IF(ID.EQ.0.OR.(ID.LT.0.AND.MGO(ID).GE.NTERM)) THEN WRITE(MSTU(11),*) ' Severe! EXECUTION STOPPED BY FRMGOUT' STOP 'FRMGOUT:' ENDIF 10 FORMAT(/72('*') /72('?')/,' POSSIBLY AN ERROR! AT EVENT NO. ',I7, > 3X,'SUBCOLLISION ',I4) 20 format(72('|')/72('*'),/) RETURN END