* * $Id: frinset.F,v 1996/01/11 14:05:21 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: frinset.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/11 14:05:21 mclareni * Fritiof * * C******************************** END FRMXGPT ******************************** C******************************** FRINSET ******************************** SUBROUTINE FRINSET(NA,N1,N2,NOG,IQ) C.......To place a gluon specified by NA on FRATLE1 block onto LUJETS C.......between N1,N2, where N1 is assumed to be quark N2G could be C.......the gluon kink or the end diquark. C.......The placing is based on rapidity C.......ordering, and if more than one rapidity-ordered spots are C.......found then the one giving maximum invariant mass is used. C.......If no such place is found then NA is placed near N1. C....... IQ:=0 the actual insertion will not take place, N1,N2,N unchanged; C........ =1 the insertion takes place, and the entire LUJETS N>NOG C........ is shifted by 1. C....... output NOG: the actual place NA was placed; C....... The inserted gluon has a code: K(NOG,5)=100. C....... The gluon will not be placed at the string ends. So in case of C....... q-qbar pairs from gluon splitting in Ariadne, the gluon C....... will not be placed between the pair. PARAMETER (KSZJ=4000,KSZ2=300) COMMON/LUJETS/N,K(KSZJ,5),P(KSZJ,5),V(KSZJ,5) COMMON/FRATLE1/NA1,KA1(KSZ2,5),PA1(KSZ2,5) DIMENSION Y(2) SAVE /LUJETS/,/FRATLE1/ NOG = 0 IF(N2.LE.N1+1) GOTO 250 YGL = PA1(NA,4) - PA1(NA,3) YGU = PA1(NA,4) + PA1(NA,3) IF(YGU.LE.0.) THEN YG = -.9E10 ELSEIF(YGL.LE.0.) THEN YG = +.9E10 ELSE YG = .5* LOG(YGU/YGL) ENDIF VM2X = 0. DO 200 I = N1, N2-1 IF(K(I,5).EQ.222.AND.K(I,2).EQ.21) GOTO 250 NUM=2 IF(I.NE.N1) THEN NUM=1 Y(1) = Y(2) ENDIF DO 100 II=1,NUM IR = I+2-II YL = P(IR,4) - P(IR,3) YU = P(IR,4) + P(IR,3) CC IF(YU.LE.0.AND.YL.LE.0.) CALL FRMGOUT(0,1,' 0 MOMENTA!', CC > FLOAT(IR),P(IR,1),P(IR,2),P(IR,3),P(IR,4)) IF(YU.LE.0.) THEN YR = -1.E10 ELSEIF(YL.LE.0.) THEN YR = +1.E10 ELSE YR = .5* LOG(YU/YL) ENDIF Y(3-II) = YR 100 CONTINUE IF( K(I,1).EQ.2 .AND. > (YG.GE.MIN(Y(1),Y(2)).AND.YG.LE.MAX(Y(1),Y(2))) ) THEN VM2=(PA1(NA,4)+P(I,4)+P(I+1,4))**2-(PA1(NA,3) > +P(I,3)+P(I+1,3))**2-(PA1(NA,2)+P(I,2)+P(I+1,2))**2- > (PA1(NA,1)+P(I,1)+P(I+1,1))**2 IF(VM2.GT.VM2X) THEN VM2X = VM2 NOG = I+1 ENDIF ENDIF 200 CONTINUE 250 NOG = MAX(N1+1, NOG) IF (IQ.GE.1) THEN DO 150 I = N, NOG, -1 DO 150 LO = 1,5 K(I+1,LO) = K(I,LO) 150 P(I+1,LO) = P(I,LO) DO 160 LO = 1,5 K(NOG,LO) = KA1(NA,LO) 160 P(NOG,LO) = PA1(NA,LO) P(NOG,4) = SQRT(P(NOG,1)**2+P(NOG,2)**2+P(NOG,3)**2) P(NOG,5) = 0.0 K(NOG,3) = 0 K(NOG,4) = 0 K(NOG,5) = 100 N = N+1 ENDIF RETURN END