* * $Id: frhelge.F,v 1996/01/11 14:05:20 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: frhelge.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/11 14:05:20 mclareni * Fritiof * * C********************************* END FRCOLPT ************************** C********************************* FRHELGE ****************************** SUBROUTINE FRHELGE C.... HELGE calculates the energy momenta for the nuclear spectator remnent C.... and GIVES FERMI-MOTION TO THE NUCLEONS IN THE NUCLEI, here the input C.... nucleons are assumed to be moving along the Z-axis. C.... By giving the rest nucleons a fermi momentum, then binding energy C.... has to be included to ensure energy-momentum conservation. This C.... is achieved here by puting the nucleons off shell. PARAMETER (KSZ1=20, KSZ2=300) COMMON/FRINTN0/PLI0(2,4),AOP(KSZ1),IOP(KSZ1),NFR(KSZ1) COMMON/FRPARA1/KFR(KSZ1),VFR(KSZ1) COMMON/FRINTN1/PPS(2,KSZ2,5),PPH(2,KSZ2,5),PPSY(2,KSZ2,5),PPA(2,5) COMMON/FRINTN3/IDN(2,KSZ2),FMN(2,KSZ2),NUC(2,3000) DIMENSION FVECT(3,KSZ2) SAVE /FRINTN0/,/FRPARA1/,/FRINTN1/,/FRINTN3/ DATA PI /3.1415926/ DO 7 L=1,2 NWD = IOP(3+2*(L-1))-IOP(8+L) DO 9 LO=1,4 9 PPA(L,LO) = FLOAT(NWD)* PLI0(L,LO) 7 PPA(L,5)=FRSQR(PPA(L,4)*PPA(L,3),'PPA') IF(KFR(4).EQ.0) RETURN C...................................................................... DO 700 L=1, 2 IF (IOP(3+2*(L-1)).LE.1) GOTO 700 15 DO 18 LO=1,5 18 PPA(L,LO) = 0.0 DO 10 I=1,3 SUM=0. DO 20 J=1,IOP(3+2*(L-1)) SL1=RLU(0) SL2=RLU(0) SL1=FRSQR(-2.*LOG(MAX(1.E-15,SL1))*IOP(3+2*(L-1)) > /(IOP(3+2*(L-1))-1), 'SL1KL7') SL2=COS(2.*PI*SL2) FVECT(I,J)=SL1*SL2*.1 20 SUM=SUM+FVECT(I,J) DO 12 J=1,IOP(3+2*(L-1)) 12 FVECT(I,J)=FVECT(I,J)-SUM/FLOAT(IOP(3+2*(L-1))) 10 CONTINUE DO 30 J=1,IOP(3+2*(L-1)) SUM2=0. DO 32 I=1,3 32 SUM2=SUM2+FVECT(I,J)**2 IF (SUM2.GE..3) GOTO 15 30 CONTINUE DO 50 J=1,IOP(3+2*(L-1)) PPS(L,J,1)=FVECT(1,J) PPS(L,J,2)=FVECT(2,J) BOSFAC=FRSQR(PPS(L,J,4)/PPS(L,J,3), 'BOS590') C.......In the rest frame, keeping E=M unchanged, C.......nucleon off shell, FMN(L,J) changed from nucleon rest masses. EE = PPS(L,J,5) PPLUS=EE+FVECT(3,J) PMINUS=EE-FVECT(3,J) EM2=PPLUS*PMINUS-FVECT(1,J)**2-FVECT(2,J)**2 IF(EM2.LE.0.) GOTO 15 PPS(L,J,5) = SQRT(EM2) FMN(L,J) = PPS(L,J,5) PPS(L,J,4)=PPLUS*BOSFAC PPS(L,J,3)=PMINUS/BOSFAC IF(J.GT.IOP(8+L)) THEN DO 52 LO=1,4 52 PPA(L,LO)= PPA(L,LO)+ PPS(L,J,LO) ENDIF DO 55 LO=1,4 55 PPSY(L,J,LO) = PPS(L,J,LO) PPSY(L,J,5) = FRSQR(PPSY(L,J,4)*PPSY(L,J,3)-PPSY(L,J,1)**2 > -PPSY(L,J,2)**2, 'PPSYHG') 50 CONTINUE PPA(L,5)=FRSQR(PPA(L,4)*PPA(L,3)-PPA(L,1)**2-PPA(L,2)**2,'PA1') 700 CONTINUE RETURN END