* * $Id: freditd.F,v 1996/01/11 14:05:19 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: freditd.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/11 14:05:19 mclareni * Fritiof * * C************************************************************************* C************************************************************************* C* * C* FRITIOF 7.02 subroutine packages * C* * C------------------------------------------------------------------------* C************************************************************************* C**************************** FREDITD *********************************** SUBROUTINE FREDITD() C...This is a dummy subroutine in connection to option KFR(13)>=4. C...User may elect to write his own special purpose codes here that C...edits and compresses the event record LUJETS. There may also be C...times the user wish to keep a trace on certain decay products by C...assigning them a special codes here. PARAMETER (KSZJ=4000,KSZ1=20) COMMON/FRPARA1/KFR(KSZ1),VFR(KSZ1) COMMON/LUJETS/N,K(KSZJ,5),P(KSZJ,5),V(KSZJ,5) SAVE /FRPARA1/,/LUJETS/ C.....DUMMY RETURN END