* * $Id: fraacol.F,v 1996/01/11 14:05:19 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: fraacol.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/11 14:05:19 mclareni * Fritiof * * C********************************* END FRPACOL ************************ C********************************* FRAACOL ****************************** SUBROUTINE FRAACOL C --- this subroutine deals with A-A collisions working in the rest C frame of the target center and taking Z axis parallel to the C projectile incident direction PARAMETER (KSZ1=20,KSZ2=300) COMMON/FRGEOMC/NFLG,NUMROP,NUMROT,NUMREP COMMON/FRPARA1/KFR(KSZ1),VFR(KSZ1) COMMON/FRINTN0/PLI0(2,4),AOP(KSZ1),IOP(KSZ1),NFR(KSZ1) COMMON/FRINTN3/IDN(2,KSZ2),FMN(2,KSZ2),NUC(2,3000) SAVE DIMENSION CORP(KSZ2,3),CORT(KSZ2,3),MARKP(KSZ2),MARKT(KSZ2) 50 IF (NFLG.NE.0) GOTO 100 C ==> first entry NFLG=1 NFLG2=0 C --- initialization RMIN=VFR(3) RMIN2=RMIN*RMIN CUTOFF=AOP(7)*3. C --- parameters of nucleon density distribution NA=IOP(3) CALL FRSEARC(1,FMMP,RMMP) NA=IOP(5) IF (KFR(6).EQ.0.OR.(KFR(6).EQ.2.AND.IOP(5).LE.79) ) THEN CALL FRSEARC(2,FMMT,RMMT) ELSE CALL FRNUCDF(NA,A0,A2,A4,RMAX3) ENDIF 100 IF (NFLG2.NE.0) GOTO 200 C ==> second entry NFLG2=1 NFLG3=0 NROTT=0 C --- determine the coordinates of target nucleons NA=IOP(5) IF (KFR(6).EQ.0.OR.(KFR(6).EQ.2.AND.IOP(5).LE.79) ) THEN CALL FRNUCOR(2,NA,RMIN2,FMMT,RMMT,CORT) ELSE CALL FRNUCOD(NA,RMIN2,A0,A2,A4,RMAX3,CORT) ENDIF 200 IF (NFLG3.NE.0) GOTO 300 C ==> third entry NFLG3=1 NFLG4=0 NROTT=NROTT+1 IF (KFR(6).EQ.0.OR.(KFR(6).EQ.2.AND.IOP(5).LE.79) ) THEN C --- rotate the target nucleus DO 210 I=1,IOP(5) WW=CORT(I,1) CORT(I,1)=CORT(I,2) CORT(I,2)=CORT(I,3) CORT(I,3)=WW 210 CONTINUE ELSE C --- rotate target nucleus randomly along an axis with probabity 1/3 C it is checked that this rotation gives an even solid angle dist. CDELTA=-1.+2.*RLU(0) SDELTA=FRSQR(MAX(0.,1.-CDELTA**2), 'SDE9A6') RA=RLU(0) IF (RA.GT.0.6666667) THEN C --- rotate aronud z axis DO 212 I=1,IOP(5) X=CORT(I,1)*CDELTA-CORT(I,2)*SDELTA CORT(I,2)=CORT(I,1)*SDELTA+CORT(I,2)*CDELTA CORT(I,1)=X 212 CONTINUE ELSE IF (RA.GT.0.3333333) THEN C --- rotate aronud x axis DO 214 I=1,IOP(5) Y=CORT(I,2)*CDELTA-CORT(I,3)*SDELTA CORT(I,3)=CORT(I,2)*SDELTA+CORT(I,3)*CDELTA CORT(I,2)=Y 214 CONTINUE ELSE C --- rotate aronud y axis DO 216 I=1,IOP(5) Z=CORT(I,3)*CDELTA-CORT(I,1)*SDELTA CORT(I,1)=CORT(I,3)*SDELTA+CORT(I,1)*CDELTA CORT(I,3)=Z 216 CONTINUE ENDIF ENDIF C --- find out the scope in X-Y plane of sampled target nucleons XMAXT=CORT(1,1) XMINT=XMAXT YMAXT=CORT(1,2) YMINT=YMAXT DO 220 I=2,IOP(5) IF (CORT(I,1).GE.XMAXT) XMAXT=CORT(I,1) IF (CORT(I,1).LE.XMINT) XMINT=CORT(I,1) IF (CORT(I,2).GE.YMAXT) YMAXT=CORT(I,2) IF (CORT(I,2).LE.YMINT) YMINT=CORT(I,2) 220 CONTINUE NROTP=0 C --- determine the coordinates of projectile nucleons C with respect to the rest frame of the projectile center C (Z axes of two frames are assumed to be parallel each other) NA=IOP(3) CALL FRNUCOR(1,NA,RMIN2,FMMP,RMMP,CORP) IF (NROTT.EQ.NUMROT) NFLG2=0 300 IF (NFLG4.NE.0) GOTO 400 C ==> fourth entry NFLG4=1 NREP=0 NROTP=NROTP+1 C --- rotate the projectile nucleus 90 degrees DO 310 I=1,IOP(3) WW=CORP(I,1) CORP(I,1)=CORP(I,2) CORP(I,2)=CORP(I,3) CORP(I,3)=WW 310 CONTINUE C --- find out the scope of sampled projectile nucleons in thw X-Y plane C of the projectile rest frame XMAXP=CORP(1,1) XMINP=XMAXP YMAXP=CORP(1,2) YMINP=XMAXT DO 320 I=2,IOP(3) IF (CORP(I,1).GE.XMAXP) XMAXP=CORP(I,1) IF (CORP(I,1).LE.XMINP) XMINP=CORP(I,1) IF (CORP(I,2).GE.YMAXP) YMAXP=CORP(I,2) IF (CORP(I,2).LE.YMINP) YMINP=CORP(I,2) 320 CONTINUE C --- start to treat the nucleus-nucleus collision C --- first determine the area of the projectile nucleus shooting C with respect to the rest frame of the target center XMAX=XMAXT-XMINP+CUTOFF XMIN=XMINT-XMAXP-CUTOFF YMAX=YMAXT-YMINP+CUTOFF YMIN=YMINT-YMAXP-CUTOFF IF (NROTP.EQ.NUMROP) NFLG3=0 C ==> fifth entry 400 NREP=NREP+1 C --- sample impact of projectile with respect to the target rest frame IF (KFR(3).EQ.2.OR.KFR(3).EQ.3) THEN BPRO=FRSQR(RLU(0)*(VFR(2)*VFR(2)-VFR(1)*VFR(1))+ > VFR(1)*VFR(1),'BPRO12') BPHI=6.2832*RLU(0) XPRO=BPRO*COS(BPHI) YPRO=BPRO*SIN(BPHI) ELSE XPRO=(XMAX-XMIN)*RLU(0)+XMIN YPRO=(YMAX-YMIN)*RLU(0)+YMIN ENDIF AOP(2)=FRSQR(XPRO**2+YPRO**2,'bipa222') IOP(2)=0 IOP(9)=0 IOP(10)=0 DO 410 I=1,IOP(3) MARKP(I)=0 410 CONTINUE DO 420 I=1,IOP(5) MARKT(I)=0 420 CONTINUE C --- treat the collisions between two nucleons DO 600 NUP=1,IOP(3) C --- coordinates of projectile nucleon, (XP,YP) C with respect to the rest frame of the target center XP=CORP(NUP,1)+XPRO YP=CORP(NUP,2)+YPRO IF (XP.GT.XMAXT+CUTOFF) GOTO 600 IF (XP.LT.XMINT-CUTOFF) GOTO 600 IF (YP.GT.YMAXT+CUTOFF) GOTO 600 IF (YP.LT.YMINT-CUTOFF) GOTO 600 DO 500 NUT=1,IOP(5) C --- distance between a projectile nucleon and a target nucleon R2=(XP-CORT(NUT,1))**2+(YP-CORT(NUT,2))**2 C --- judge if a binary collision takes place PP = FRVOV(R2) IF (RLU(0).LT.PP) THEN IOP(2)=IOP(2)+1 IF (IOP(2).GT.3000) CALL FRMGOUT(0,0,'Array NUCT needs to be > expanded (3000 insufficient)',0.,0.,0.,0.,0.) NUC(1,IOP(2))=NUP NUC(2,IOP(2))=NUT IF (MARKP(NUP).EQ.0) THEN MARKP(NUP)=1 IOP(9)=IOP(9)+1 ENDIF IF (MARKT(NUT).EQ.0) THEN MARKT(NUT)=1 IOP(10)=IOP(10)+1 ENDIF ENDIF 500 CONTINUE 600 CONTINUE IF (NREP.EQ.NUMREP) NFLG4=0 IF ((KFR(3).EQ.1.OR.KFR(3).EQ.3).AND.IOP(9).LT.IOP(3)) GOTO 50 IF (IOP(9).EQ.0) GOTO 50 C --- Order and pack the wounded nucleons in the front: DO 700 L=1, 2 DO 670 I=1,IOP(3+2*(L-1)) II=999 DO 650 J=1,IOP(2) 650 IF (NUC(L,J).GE.I.AND.NUC(L,J).LT.II) II=NUC(L,J) IF (II.EQ.I) GOTO 670 IF (II.EQ.999) GOTO 700 DO 660 J=1,IOP(2) IF (NUC(L,J).EQ.II) THEN IDN(L,I)= IDN(L,II) FMN(L,I)= FMN(L,II) NUC(L,J)=I ENDIF 660 CONTINUE 670 CONTINUE 700 CONTINUE RETURN END