* * $Id: ardata.F,v 1996/01/11 14:05:16 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: ardata.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/11 14:05:16 mclareni * Fritiof * * C*********************************************************************** BLOCK DATA ARDATA C...ARiadne block DATA statements C...Initialization of the common blocks used in Ariadne PARAMETER(MAXDIP=500,MAXPAR=500,MAXSTR=100) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (D) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (B) IMPLICIT LOGICAL (Q) COMMON /ARDAT1/ PARA(40),MSTA(40) SAVE /ARDAT1/ COMMON /ARDAT2/ PQMAS(10) SAVE /ARDAT2/ COMMON /ARDAT3/ IWRN(40) SAVE /ARDAT3/ C...Breif explanation of parameters and switches: C... C... C...Parameters: C... C...PARA(1) (D=0.200) lambda_QCD C...PARA(2) (D=0.200) Constant alpha_QCD for MSTA(12)=0 C...PARA(3) (D=1.000) Cutoff in invariant p_t for QCD emission C...PARA(4) (D=1/137) Constant alpha_EM C...PARA(5) (D=1.000) Cutoff in invariant p_t for EM emission C...PARA(6) (D=-1.00) Maximum allowed invariant p_t (if >0) C...PARA(7) (D=0.000) Maximum invariant mass (if >0) C...PARA(8-9) not used C...PARA(10)(D=1.000) Power in soft suppression (dimnsionality of C... the extended source) C...PARA(11)(D=0.938) Soft suppression parameter for code 1 C...PARA(12)(D=0.938) Soft suppression parameter for code 2 C...PARA(13)(D=0.938) Soft suppression parameter for code 3 C...PARA(14-19) not used C...PARA(20)(D=1.000) Minimum p_t^2/Q^2 of q-qbar pair in boson-gluon C... fusion to be allowed to be treated as such. Else C... treated as sea-quark interaction. Only used when C... running with LEPTO version 6.0 or higher C...PARA(21-30) not used C...PARA(31)(D=1.000) Maximum invariant p_t^2 for clustering three jets C... into two in ARCLUS C...PARA(32-38) not used C...PARA(39)(D=0.001) Tolerance factor for momentum conservation C...PARA(40)(D=1E32) Maximum allowed floating point number ("minimum" C... is 1/PARA(40) C... C...Switches: C... C...MSTA(1) (R) Ariadne mode (set by ARINIT) for treatment of C... incomming events. C... 0 => No special treatment C... 1 => as if produced by JETSET C... 2 => as if produced by PYTHIA C... 3 => as if produced by LEPTO C...MSTA(2) (I) Initialization done and headers written C...MSTA(3) (D=0) Setting of parameters in Ariadne, JETSET, C... PYTHIA and LEPTO to suitable values. C... 0 => off C... 1 => on C...MSTA(4) (I) Number of calls made to AREXEC C...MSTA(5) (D=0) Perform fragmentation at the end of AREXEC C... 0 => off C... 1 => on C... When running with JETSET, PYTHIA or LEPTO this C... switch is set to the value of the corresponding C... switch in these programs. C...MSTA(6) (D=-1) Maximum number of emission (per string) in a C... AREXEC call (if <0 - no limit) C...MSTA(7) (D=6) File number for output (stdout) from Ariadne C... set to MSTU(11) by ARINIT C...MSTA(8) (D=6) File number for error messages (stdout) from C... Ariadne C...MSTA(9) (D=1) Debug mode C... 0 => debug off C... 1 => check that energy and momentum is conserved after C... each call to AREXEC produce. Warns if change C... in momentum is larger a factor PARA(39) C... 2 => as for 1 but check every emission C... 3 => as for 2 but dump string to /LUJETS/ after each C... emission C...MSTA(10)(D=5) Maximum number of warnings (of each kind) issued C... by Ariadne C...MSTA(11)(D=0) Phase space restrictions. The maximum p_t of an C... emission is set to the p_t of the last emission C... (otherwise no restrictions) for: C... gluon q-qbar photon emissions C... 0 => yes yes yes C... 1 => yes yes no C... 2 => yes no yes C... 3 => yes no no C... 4 => no no no C...MSTA(12)(D=1) Running alpha_QCD C... 0 => off C... 1 => on C...MSTA(13) (R) Error experienced by Ariadne in last call to C... AREXECc. Reset to 0 at each call to AREXEC C...MSTA(14)(D=1) The maximum allowed p_t is set to the minimum C... invariant p_t of all gluons in an incomming C... string C... 0 => off C... 1 => on C...MSTA(15)(D=5) Number of flavours allowed in q-qbar emission C...MSTA(16)(D=2) Recoil treatment C... 0 => minimize p_t1^2 + p_t3^2 C... 1 => as for 0 but pointlike string ends takes C... all recoil C... 2=> as for 0 but also extended string ends which C... have a>0 takes full recoil C...MSTA(17)(D=2) Recoil treatment for extended dipoles C... 0 => no special treatment (but cf. MSTA(16)) C... 1 => emit recoil gluon (except if pointlike quark C... in other dipole end for MSTA(16)=1) C... 2 => emit recoilgluon according to new strategy C...MSTA(18)(D=1) P_t ordering of recoil gluons C... 0 => off C... 1 => on C...MSTA(19)(D=1) Correct or quick treatment of emissions from C... heavy quarks C... 0 => quick C... 1 => correct C...MSTA(20)(D=0) Final state photon radiation C... 0 => off C... 1 => on C... 2 => on but turned off at the first occurence of C... q-qbar emission in a string. C...MSTA(21)(D=0) Photon radiation when run with PYTHIA or LEPTO C... 0 => off C... 1 => on C...MSTA(22)(D=0) Transfer of recoils in Drell-Yan processes C... 0 => off C... 1 => on C...MSTA(23)(I) Line number of particle to transfer recoil to C... for MSTA(22) > 0 C...MSTA(24)(D=2) Quark masses to be used in q-qbar emissions C... 0 => as specified in PMAS(1-8) in /ARDAT2/ C... 1 => "bare" quark masses as specified in PMAS(1-8) C... in /LUDAT2/ C... 2 => "constituent" quark masses as specified in C... PARF(101-108) in /LUDAT2/ C...MSTA(25-29) not used C...MSTA(30)(D=1) various options for running with Lepto C... 0 => Stuck quark point like, remnant extended with PARA(11) C... 1 => as 0 but remnant extended with PARA(11)/(1-x) C... 2 => as 1 bur struck quark extended with Q C...MSTA(31)(D=1) mass of extended partons C... 0 => set to zero for backward compatibility C... 1 => keeps value given C...MSTA(32-40) not used C... C...End of description DATA PARA/0.2,0.2,1.0,0.007297353,1.0,-1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0, $ 0.938,0.938,0.938,6*0.0,1.0, $ 10*0.0, $ 1.0,7*0.0,0.001,1.0E32/ DATA MSTA/0,0,0,0,0,-1,6,6,1,5, $ 0,1,0,1,5,2,2,1,1,0, $ 0,0,0,2,5*0,1, $ 1,9*0/ DATA PQMAS/10*0.0/ DATA IWRN/40*0/ C**** END OF ARDATA **************************************************** END