PROGRAM HERA call ludebug C...Call a user supplied routine setting C...the parameters and switches in LEPTO CALL LEPSET C...Call a user supplied routine setting C...the parameters and switches in Ariadne CALL ARISET C...Initialize Ariadne to run with LEPTO CALL ARINIT('LEPTO') C...Initialize LEPTO for HERA CALL LINIT(0,11,-26.5,820.0,4) C...Loop over a number of events DO 100 IEVE=1,1000 C...Call generate an event with LEPTO CALL LEPTO C...Apply the Dipole Cascade CALL AREXEC C...Call a user supplied analysis routine C CALL HERANA 100 CONTINUE END SUBROUTINE LEPSET COMMON /LEPTOU/ CUT(14),LST(40),PARL(30),X,Y,W2,XQ2,U SAVE /LEPTOU/ C...Use EHLQ1 structure functions LST(15)=1 C...Suppress printouts from LEPTO LST(3)=1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE ARISET COMMON /ARDAT1/ PARA(40),MSTA(40) SAVE /ARDAT1/ C...Set default parameters CALL ARTUNE('EMC') C...Use constant mu (independant of x) in Ariadne MSTA(31)=0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE HERANA C...Trivial analysis - print the event CALL LULIST(1) RETURN END