C*********************************************************************** C $Id: arradp.F,v 1.2 1996/04/10 12:33:34 mclareni Exp $ SUBROUTINE ARRADP(ID) C...ARiadne subroutine RADiate Photon C...Performs the radiation of a photon from EM-dipole ID #include "arimpl.f" #include "arpart.f" #include "ardips.f" #include "ardat1.f" #include "arint2.f" INXT(I)=IDO(IP3(I)) IPRV(I)=IDI(IP1(I)) C...Boost dipole to its CMS, and get its invaiant mass^2 CALL ARBOCM(ID) BS=ARMAS2(IP1(ID),IP3(ID)) IF (ABS(BS-SDIP(ID)).GT.(BS+SDIP(ID))*PARA(39).AND. $ MSTA(9).GE.2) CALL ARERRM('ARRADG',13,0) QR1=.TRUE. QR3=.TRUE. C...Use position IPART+1 temporarily for the photon and orientate C...the particles/partons BP(IPART+1,5)=0.0 CALL ARORIE(IP1(ID),IPART+1,IP3(ID),BS,BX1(ID),BX3(ID), $ QR1,QR3,0.0,0.0) C...Boost back to original CMS CALL AROBO3(THE,PHI,DBEX,DBEY,DBEZ, $ IP1(ID),IPART+1,IP3(ID)) C...Copy photon information to /LUJETS/ CALL ARDUPH C...Flagg dipoles that were affected by the emission QDONE(INXT(ID))=.FALSE. QDONE(IPRV(ID))=.FALSE. QDONE(ID)=.FALSE. RETURN C**** END OF ARRADP **************************************************** END