# This is the Makefile for the Ariadne program. You should edit it to # suite the way your system is set up. The macros you should customize # are: FC FFLAGS JETSET PYTHIA LEPTO and INSTALLDIR. A few examples are # given for each macro. # set FC to the FORTRAN 77 compiler you want to use. FC = f77 # set FFLAGS to the compiler options you want to use: FFLAGS = -O # FFLAGS = -O4 -automatic -fpe1 # JETSET should be set to the name of the object/library file for JETSET v.7 JETSET = -L/cern/pro/lib -ljetset74 # JETSET = -L$$HOME/lib -lj74 # JETSET = -L/usr/users/lib -lj74 # JETSET = -L/usr/local/lib -lj74 # JETSET = $$HOME/lib/jetset_74.o # PYTHIA sould be set to the name of the object/library file for PYTHIA v.5 PYTHIA = -L/cern/pro/lib -ljetset74 # PYTHIA = -L$$HOME/lib -lpy5 # PYTHIA = -L/usr/users/lib -lpy5 # PYTHIA = -L/usr/local/lib -lpy5 # PYTHIA = $$HOME/lib/pythia_56.o # LEPTO sould be set to the name of the object/library file for LEPTO v.6 LEPTO = -L/cern/pro/lib -llepto61 -lgenlib -lkernlib # LEPTO = -L$$HOME/lib -ll61 # LEPTO = -L/usr/users/lib -ll61 # LEPTO = -L/usr/local/lib -ll61 # LEPTO = $$HOME/lib/lepto_61.o # INSTALLDIR should be set to the name of the directory where the compiled # Ariadne program should be placed. INSTALLDIR = $$HOME/lib # INSTALLDIR = /usr/users/lib # INSTALLDIR = /usr/local/lib # # YOU SHOULD NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE # objects = araddg.o arangl.o arbocm.o arcasc.o archem.o arclus.o arcopa.o arcopj.o arcrdi.o ardump.o arduph.o ardyre.o aremit.o arerrm.o arexec.o argpt2.o argqcd.o argqed.o argtyp.o arinit.o aript2.o arjoin.o armade.o armass.o armcdi.o armipt.o arnofl.o arordj.o arorie.o arpars.o arradg.o arradp.o arradq.o arreca.o arupdj.o arrndx.o arrndy.o arrobo.o arsplg.o arstor.o artest.o arveto.o artune.o arprda.o archki.o arexma.o arphas.o arlept.o argdis.o arpyth.o arptqq.o arinqq.o arsume.o arzcms.o arpcms.o arstra.o arscan.o arremn.o arpoki.o arposf.o arupom.o lnstrf.o pystfu.o arniqq.o armtqq.o arging.o aradig.o arearr.o arputr.o arthrw.o aruthr.o ar4frm.o sources = arinit.f araddg.f arangl.f arbocm.f arcasc.f archem.f arclus.f arcopa.f arcopj.f arcrdi.f ardump.f arduph.f ardyre.f aremit.f arerrm.f arexec.f argpt2.f argqcd.f argqed.f argtyp.f aript2.f arjoin.f armade.f armass.f armcdi.f armipt.f arnofl.f arordj.f arorie.f arpars.f arradg.f arradp.f arradq.f arreca.f arupdj.f arrndx.f arrndy.f arrobo.f arsplg.f arstor.f artest.f arveto.f artune.f arprda.f archki.f arexma.f arphas.f arlept.f argdis.f arpyth.f arptqq.f arinqq.f arsume.f arzcms.f arpcms.f arstra.f arscan.f arremn.f arpoki.f arposf.f arupom.f lnstrf.f pystfu.f arniqq.f armtqq.f arging.f aradig.f arearr.f arputr.f arthrw.f aruthr.f ar4frm.f all: lib test: atest jtest ltest ptest ./atest ./jtest ./ltest ./ptest atest: libartest.a atest.f $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o atest atest.f -L. -lartest $(JETSET) jtest: libartest.a jtest.f $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o jtest jtest.f -L. -lartest $(JETSET) ltest: libartest.a ltest.f $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o ltest ltest.f $(LEPTO) -L. -lartest $(JETSET) ptest: libartest.a ptest.f $(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o ptest ptest.f $(PYTHIA) -L. -lartest $(JETSET) lib: libartest.a libartest.a: libar4.a rm -f libartest.a ln -s libar4.a libartest.a libar4.a: $(objects) $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $? ranlib $@ .f.o: $(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $*.f install: libar4.a cp libar4.a $(INSTALLDIR) clean: rm -f *.o *~ core *.bak realclean: clean rm -f atest jtest ltest ptest libar4.a libartest.a # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- f77dep uses it. # DO NOT PUT ANYTHING AFTER THIS LINE, IT WILL GO AWAY. arinit.o : arinit.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardat1.f \ ardat2.f \ ludat1.f \ ludat2.f \ leptou.f \ pypars.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ ardat2.f \ ardat3.f \ arhide.f \ arpopa.f araddg.o : araddg.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arimpl.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arimpl.f \ arimpl.f \ arimpl.f \ arimpl.f \ arimpl.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f arangl.o : arangl.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f arbocm.o : arbocm.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arint2.f \ arimpl.f \ lujets.f \ arimpl.f \ lujets.f \ ludat1.f \ pypars.f \ leptou.f arcasc.o : arcasc.f \ arimpl.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arlist.f \ arimpl.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arimpl.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f archem.o : archem.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ arint3.f \ ardat1.f \ lujets.f arclus.o : arclus.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ ardat1.f \ ludat1.f arcopa.o : arcopa.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ lujets.f \ ardat1.f arcopj.o : arcopj.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ lujets.f \ ludat1.f \ ludat2.f arcrdi.o : arcrdi.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f ardump.o : ardump.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ lujets.f arduph.o : arduph.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ arstrs.f \ arint3.f \ lujets.f ardyre.o : ardyre.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arint2.f \ arhide.f aremit.o : aremit.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arlist.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arlist.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f arerrm.o : arerrm.f \ arimpl.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ ardat3.f arexec.o : arexec.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardat1.f \ lujets.f \ leptou.f \ arhide.f argpt2.o : argpt2.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arhide.f \ leptou.f argqcd.o : argqcd.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ arint1.f \ ludat1.f \ arimpl.f \ ardips.f \ arpart.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f \ arint2.f \ arhide.f \ ludat1.f \ arimpl.f \ ardips.f \ ardat1.f \ ardat2.f \ arint1.f \ ludat1.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f \ arhide.f \ arlist.f \ lujets.f argqed.o : argqed.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f \ arhide.f \ ludat1.f argtyp.o : argtyp.f \ arimpl.f \ lujets.f \ ludat2.f aript2.o : aript2.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f arjoin.o : arjoin.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ ludat1.f armade.o : armade.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f armass.o : armass.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f armcdi.o : armcdi.f \ arimpl.f \ arint1.f armipt.o : armipt.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ ardat1.f arnofl.o : arnofl.f \ ardat2.f arordj.o : arordj.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ lujets.f \ ludat1.f arorie.o : arorie.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ ludat1.f \ arimpl.f \ ludat1.f arpars.o : arpars.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ lujets.f arradg.o : arradg.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arhide.f \ ardat1.f \ arint2.f \ arint4.f \ lujets.f arradp.o : arradp.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ ardat1.f \ arint2.f arradq.o : arradq.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ ardat1.f \ arint2.f arreca.o : arreca.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f arupdj.o : arupdj.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ ardat1.f arrndx.o : arrndx.f \ arimpl.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ arint1.f arrndy.o : arrndy.f \ arimpl.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ arint1.f \ ardat1.f \ arimpl.f \ arint1.f arrobo.o : arrobo.f \ arimpl.f \ arimpl.f \ arimpl.f \ arimpl.f \ arimpl.f \ arimpl.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f arsplg.o : arsplg.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat2.f arstor.o : arstor.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f artest.o : artest.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ ardat3.f \ arint1.f \ lujets.f \ ludat1.f arveto.o : arveto.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f \ arint4.f \ arhide.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f \ arint4.f \ arhide.f \ arimpl.f \ arint1.f \ arimpl.f \ arint1.f artune.o : artune.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ ludat1.f \ leptou.f \ pypars.f arprda.o : arprda.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f archki.o : archki.f \ arimpl.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ ardat2.f \ arhide.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f arexma.o : arexma.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardat1.f arphas.o : arphas.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ leptou.f \ lujets.f \ arint4.f \ ludat1.f arlept.o : arlept.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arint4.f \ arhide.f \ lujets.f \ leptou.f argdis.o : argdis.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f \ arhide.f \ ludat1.f \ leptou.f \ arimpl.f \ ardips.f \ ardat1.f \ arint1.f \ arhide.f \ ludat1.f arpyth.o : arpyth.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ lujets.f \ ludat2.f \ pypars.f \ pyint1.f \ leptou.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ lujets.f \ pypars.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ lujets.f \ pypars.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ lujets.f \ pypars.f arptqq.o : arptqq.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ ludat1.f arinqq.o : arinqq.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arstrf.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f arsume.o : arsume.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f arzcms.o : arzcms.f \ arimpl.f arpcms.o : arpcms.f \ arimpl.f arstra.o : arstra.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f arscan.o : arscan.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ lujets.f arremn.o : arremn.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ ardat1.f \ arstrf.f \ arlist.f \ arhide.f \ lujets.f \ ludat1.f \ pypars.f \ pyint3.f \ leptou.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ arhide.f \ lujets.f arpoki.o : arpoki.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ ardat1.f \ lujets.f \ ludat1.f \ leptou.f \ pypars.f arposf.o : arposf.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ arpopa.f \ arimpl.f arupom.o : arupom.f \ arimpl.f lnstrf.o : lnstrf.f \ arimpl.f pystfu.o : pystfu.f \ arimpl.f arniqq.o : arniqq.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arstrf.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ ludat1.f armtqq.o : armtqq.f \ arimpl.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ ludat1.f arging.o : arging.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arlist.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ lujets.f \ ludat1.f \ leptou.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arlist.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ lujets.f \ ludat1.f \ leptou.f aradig.o : aradig.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arstrf.f \ arlist.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ leptou.f \ lujets.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arstrf.f \ arlist.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ leptou.f \ lujets.f arearr.o : arearr.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arlist.f \ arhide.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f arputr.o : arputr.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arstak.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ arstak.f arthrw.o : arthrw.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f aruthr.o : aruthr.f \ arimpl.f ar4frm.o : ar4frm.f \ arimpl.f \ arpart.f \ ardips.f \ arstrs.f \ ardat1.f \ arhide.f \ lujets.f \ ludat1.f atest.o : atest.f jtest.o : jtest.f ltest.o : ltest.f ptest.o : ptest.f # IF YOU PUT ANYTHING HERE IT WILL GO AWAY