* * $Id: corset.F,v 1996/04/01 15:02:56 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: corset.F,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:02:56 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * #include "gen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE CORSET (V,C,NP) C Correlated Gaussian random number package C C CORSET sets up the generation C CORGEN actually generates a set of NP random numbers C Gaussian-distributed with covariance matrix V C and mean values zero. C C NP is dimension of vectors and matrices C V(NP,NP) is covariance matrix C C(NP,NP) is working space used internally to hold the C 'square root' of V C X(NP) is the vector of random numbers generated by CORGEN C DIMENSION V(NP,NP), C(NP,NP) C C Compute C = square root of matrix V DO 40 J=1,NP C Diagonal terms CK = 0. DO 10 K= 1, J-1 10 CK = CK + C(J,K)*C(J,K) C(J,J) = SQRT(ABS(V(J,J) - CK)) C C Off-diagonal terms DO 30 I= J+1, NP CK = 0. DO 20 K= 1, J-1 20 CK = CK + C(I,K)*C(J,K) C(I,J) = (V(I,J) - CK) /C(J,J) 30 CONTINUE 40 CONTINUE C RETURN END