* * $Id: g104m.F,v 1996/04/01 15:01:29 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: g104m.F,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:01:29 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * #include "gen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE G104M C Test of MATHLIB routines STUDIS and STUDIN (G104) C Routine STUDIS calculates t-table values P1, for parameters T1 say, C the test of STUDIS is constructed by comparing this values with C exact t-table values obtained from using high-precision C Gaussian quadrature. C STUDIN calculates for a specified probability P say, the value C of the test statistic t, T2 say, that gives the specified C probability under a t-distribution. The test of STUDIN is C simply to compare T2 with T1. C Note that the program library manual quotes 0 as the lower limit C of the t-integral, this should be minus infinity. C Specify the total number of tests present PARAMETER ( NT=5 ) REAL T1,T2,P,P1,ERROR,ERRMX1,ERRMX2,ERRMAX,STUDIS,STUDIN,TSTERR C Specify the largest relative error permitted in a successful test PARAMETER ( TSTERR=1E-4 ) DIMENSION P(NT),T1(NT) INTEGER N(NT) #include "iorc.inc" DATA T1 / 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.9, 3.0 / DATA P / 0.5317255174305536,0.5700140042014005, + 0.6742760175759245,0.7904972403959577,0.9849503760512686 / DATA N / 1,2,3,4,5 / CALL HEADER('G104',0) C Testing routine STUDIS ERRMX1= 0D0 WRITE(LOUT,'(/4X,''t'',3X,''n'',8X,''STUDIS(t,n)'',8X, + ''Exact Value'',5X,''Relative Error'')') DO 100 I=1,NT P1= STUDIS( T1(I),N(I) ) ERROR= ABS( (P(I)-P1)/P1 ) WRITE(LOUT,'(F5.1,3X,I1,3F19.12)') T1(I),N(I),P1,P(I),ERROR ERRMX1= MAX( ERRMX1,ERROR ) 100 CONTINUE C Testing routine STUDIN ERRMX2= 0D0 WRITE(LOUT,'(/15X,''P'',3X,''n'',8X,''STUDIN(P,n) Exact'',5X, + ''Relative Error'')') DO 200 I=1,NT T2= STUDIN( P(I),N(I) ) ERROR= ABS( (T1(I)-T2)/T2 ) WRITE(LOUT,'(F16.12,3X,I1,F19.12,F7.1,F19.12)') P(I),N(I), + T2,T1(I),ERROR ERRMX2= MAX( ERRMX2,ERROR ) 200 CONTINUE ERRMAX=MAX( ERRMX1,ERRMX2 ) WRITE(LOUT,'(/'' Largest relative Error was'',F19.12)') ERRMAX IRC= ITEST( 'G104',ERRMAX .LE. TSTERR ) CALL PAGEND('G104') RETURN END