* * $Id: d601m.F,v 1996/04/01 15:01:26 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: d601m.F,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:01:26 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * #include "gen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE D601M C This program tests the operation of GENLIB subroutine subprograms C RFRDH1, DFRDH1 and function subprograms C RFRDH2, DFRDH2 and RFRDH3, DFRDH3. #include "gen/imp64.inc" C Set the total number of tests PARAMETER ( NT=11) C Set maximum error allowed for test to be considered successful PARAMETER ( TSTERR=1D-11 ) EXTERNAL FD601,G,H PARAMETER (IDIM = 96) DIMENSION WS(IDIM,50),TV(0:10),NGTV(10) #include "iorc.inc" CALL HEADER('D601',0) ERRMAX=0D0 #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) WRITE(LOUT,'(/8X,''X'',14X,''DFRDH2'', + 21X,''TEST'',9X,''Rel. Error'')') #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) WRITE(LOUT,'(/8X,''X'',14X,''RFRDH2'', + 21X,''TEST'',9X,''Rel. Error'')') #endif EX=1.777777777777774D0 M=4 TV(0)=-1 TV(1)=-0.25D0 TV(2)=0.1D0 TV(3)=0.5D0 TV(4)=1 NGTV(1)=8 NGTV(2)=10 NGTV(3)=9 NGTV(4)=7 #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) CALL DFRDH1(FD601,G,M,TV,NGTV,WS,IDIM,N) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) CALL RFRDH1(FD601,G,M,TV,NGTV,WS,IDIM,N) #endif DO 1 I = -100,100 X=I/100D0 #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) PHI=DFRDH2(FD601,G,X,WS,IDIM,N) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) PHI=RFRDH2(FD601,G,X,WS,IDIM,N) #endif TST=25*X**2/9+6*X+1 E=ABS((PHI-TST)/TST) ERRMAX= MAX(ERRMAX,E) 1 WRITE(LOUT,'(1X,F10.2,2F25.15,1P,D10.1)') X,PHI,TST,E #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) WRITE(LOUT,'(/12X,''DFRDH3'',10X,''Rel. Error'')') DF3=DFRDH3(H,WS,IDIM,N) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) WRITE(LOUT,'(/12X,''RFRDH3'',10X,''Rel. Error'')') DF3=RFRDH3(H,WS,IDIM,N) #endif E=ABS((DF3-EX)/EX) ERRMAX= MAX(ERRMAX,E) #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) WRITE(LOUT,'(/1X,F25.15,1P,D10.1)') DFRDH3(H,WS,IDIM,N),E #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) WRITE(LOUT,'(/1X,F25.15,1P,D10.1)') RFRDH3(H,WS,IDIM,N),E #endif WRITE(LOUT,'(/'' Largest Relative Error was'',1P,D10.1)') ERRMAX C Check if the test was successful IRC=ITEST('D601',ERRMAX .LE. TSTERR) CALL PAGEND('D601') RETURN END FUNCTION FD601(X) #include "gen/imp64.inc" FD601=(1+X)**2 RETURN ENTRY G(X,Y) G=X*Y+(X*Y)**2 RETURN ENTRY H(T) H=T**2 RETURN END