* * $Id: d108m.F,v 1996/04/01 15:01:23 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: d108m.F,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:01:23 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * #include "gen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE D108M C Program to test the operation of the MATHLIB routine TRAPER (D108) C The routine being tested performs approximate integration C using the Trapezoidal Rule. C The test is constructed by integrating numerically, arbitrary, C (but easy to integrate analytically), functions. C The numerical approximation to the integral is compared with C the analytical solution and the relative error is calculated. C Note that the function to be integrated is not passed directly C to the TRAPER routine, but, function-values F(X(I)) are stored C in the array Y; ie Y(I)=F(X(I)) C Specify the total number of tests, and the largest No_intervals PARAMETER ( NT=3,NMAX=201 ) C Specify the largest error permitted for a successful test PARAMETER ( TSTERR=1E-3 ) DIMENSION X(NMAX),Y(NMAX),EPS(NMAX),N(NT),A(NT),B(NT) #include "iorc.inc" C Specify the test parameters DATA N(1),A(1),B(1) / 81, 0.0, 5.0 / DATA N(2),A(2),B(2) / 81,-3.0, 2.0 / DATA N(3),A(3),B(3) / 81,-2.0, 2.0 / CALL HEADER('D108',0) ERRMAX=0 DO 200 I=1,NT WRITE(LOUT,'(/'' Test Number'',I3)') I H= (B(I)-A(I))/ (N(I)-1) DO 100 J=1,N(I) X(J)= A(I)+ (J-1)*H EPS(J)= 0 C Initialise the Y vector IF (I .EQ. 1) THEN Y(J)= EXP(X(J)) ELSEIF (I .EQ. 2) THEN Y(J)= X(J)*X(J) ELSE Y(J)= COS(X(J)) ENDIF 100 CONTINUE C Calculate the integral numerically CALL TRAPER(X,Y,EPS,N(I),A(I),B(I),RE,SD) C Calculate the integral analytically IF (I .EQ. 1) THEN EXACT= EXP(B(I))-EXP(A(I)) ELSEIF (I .EQ. 2) THEN EXACT= (B(I)**3)/3 - (A(I)**3)/3 ELSE EXACT= SIN(B(I))-SIN(A(I)) ENDIF C Calculate the relative error of this approximation ERROR= ABS( (EXACT-RE)/RE ) ERRMAX= MAX( ERRMAX,ERROR ) WRITE(LOUT,'('' Approximation to Integral '',F22.14)') RE WRITE(LOUT,'('' Analytic value of Integral'',F22.14)') EXACT WRITE(LOUT,'('' Relative Error '',F22.14)') ERROR 200 CONTINUE WRITE(LOUT, '(/'' Largest Relative Error was'',D10.1 )') ERRMAX IRC= ITEST('D108',ERRMAX .LE. TSTERR) CALL PAGEND('D108') RETURN END