* * $Id: d101m.F,v 1996/04/01 15:01:22 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: d101m.F,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:01:22 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * #include "gen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE D101M #include "iorc.inc" C Program to test the GENLIB routines SIMPS and DSIMPS (D101) by C using the routines to numerically integrate known integrals C Written by T Hepworth, 8th May 1990 C B. Damgaard : introduce new sequences and test error msg (10/92) C Set maximum number of steps and number of tests PARAMETER ( NMAX=100,NT=4 ) #include "gen/def64.inc" + F(0:NMAX),A,B,X,DSIMPS,TSTERR, + START(NT),FINISH(NT),H(NT), + RESULT(NT),SOL(NT),ERROR(NT),ERRMAX, + DF(0:10),Z1,Z2 INTEGER N(NT) C Set the maximum percentage relative error allowed for the test C to still be considered successful PARAMETER ( TSTERR=1D-3 ) PARAMETER (Z1 = 1, Z2 = 2) C The test data DATA START(1),FINISH(1),N(1) / 0D0, 3D0, 50 / DATA START(2),FINISH(2),N(2) / -6D0, 6D0, 100 / DATA START(3),FINISH(3),N(3) / -1D0, 1D0, 20 / DATA START(4),FINISH(4),N(4) / 8D0, 28D0, 100 / CALL HEADER('D101',0) DO 200 I=1,NT WRITE(LOUT,'(/'' Test Number'',I3)') I C Calculate step length H for test number I H(I)= ( FINISH(I)-START(I) )/ N(I) WRITE(LOUT,'('' Integration Interval ('',F4.1,'','',F4.1,'')'', + 3X,''Step length'',F5.2,3X,''Number of steps'',I4)') + START(I),FINISH(I),H(I),N(I) C Initialise the function to be integrated (at discrete points) DO 100 J=0,N(I) C Calculate Xj X= START(I)+( J*H(I) ) IF (I .EQ. 1) THEN F(J)= EXP(2D0*X) ELSEIF (I .EQ. 2) THEN F(J)= EXP(-X) ELSEIF (I .EQ. 3) THEN F(J)= COS(X) ELSE F(J)= X*SIN(X) ENDIF 100 CONTINUE C Compute the numerical approximation to the integral A= START(I) B= FINISH(I) #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) RESULT(I)= DSIMPS(F,A,B,N(I)) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) RESULT(I)= SIMPS(F,A,B,N(I)) #endif C Compute the analytical value of the integral IF (I .EQ. 1) THEN SOL(I)= ( EXP(2D0*B)-EXP(2D0*A) )/ 2D0 ELSEIF (I .EQ. 2) THEN SOL(I)= ( EXP(-A)-EXP(-B) ) ELSEIF (I .EQ. 3) THEN SOL(I)= SIN(B)-SIN(A) ELSE SOL(I)= (A*COS(A))-(B*COS(B))+SIN(B)-SIN(A) ENDIF C Compute Relative error as a positive percentage ERROR(I)= ABS( (RESULT(I)-SOL(I))/RESULT(I) )*1D2 WRITE(LOUT,'('' Numerical approximation'',F25.16)') RESULT(I) WRITE(LOUT,'('' Analytical value '',F25.16)') SOL(I) WRITE(LOUT,'('' Relative Error '',F23.14,''%'')') + ERROR(I) 200 CONTINUE C Compute maximum (percentage) relative error ERRMAX= MAX( ERROR(1),ERROR(2),ERROR(3),ERROR(4) ) WRITE(LOUT,'(/'' Largest Relative Error was'',F23.14,''%'')') + ERRMAX WRITE(LOUT,'(/''TESTING ERROR MESSAGES:''/)') #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) R=DSIMPS(DF,-Z1,Z2,1) R=DSIMPS(DF,-Z1,Z2,-3) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) R= SIMPS(DF,-Z1,Z2,1) R= SIMPS(DF,-Z1,Z2,-3) #endif C Check if the test was successful IRC=ITEST('D101',ERRMAX .LE. TSTERR) CALL PAGEND('D101') RETURN END