* * $Id: c209m.F,v 1996/04/01 15:01:13 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: c209m.F,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:01:13 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * #include "gen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE C209M C This program tests the MATHLIB routines CPOLYZ and WPOLYZ (C209) C by calculating the roots of specially constructed complex C polynomials. PARAMETER (NT=4) #include "gen/imp64.inc" #include "gen/defc64.inc" + TEST(NT,NT),A(0:NT),ROOT(NT),SUM C R is the estimated radius of a circle centered at a root DIMENSION R(NT),RES(NT) LOGICAL INR2(NT,NT) PARAMETER (MAXFUN=50000) PARAMETER (TSTERR=5D-8) #include "iorc.inc" C The roots of the test equations; second index=test number DATA (TEST(J,1),J=1,4) / ( 1 , 0 ),(-1 , 1 ), + ( 3 ,-2 ),( 5 , 2 ) / DATA (TEST(J,2),J=1,4) / ( 3 , 0 ),( 0 , 0 ), + ( 0 ,-3 ),( 0 ,-3 ) / DATA (TEST(J,3),J=1,4) / ( 2 , 1 ),( 2 , 1 ), + ( 2 , 1 ),( 6 , 3 ) / DATA (TEST(J,4),J=1,4) / (-1 ,-3 ),( 1 , 3 ), + (-1 , 3 ),( 3 , 1 ) / CALL HEADER('C209',0) C Initialise maximum residues as zero RESMAX=0.0E0 C N denotes the test number DO 100 N=1,NT WRITE(LOUT,'(/'' Test Number'',I3)') N C Get data for test number N in A vector #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) CALL C209S (TEST(1,N),NT,A) WRITE(LOUT,'('' After call to C209S '')') #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) CALL C209S (TEST(1,N),NT,A) WRITE(LOUT,'('' After call to C209S '')') #endif WRITE(LOUT,'('' A:'',2X,4(F7.1,'','',F7.1))') A DO 10 I=1,NT ROOT(I)=(0 ,0 ) 10 CONTINUE #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) CALL WPOLYZ(A,NT,MAXFUN,ROOT,R) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) CALL CPOLYZ(A,NT,MAXFUN,ROOT,R) #endif WRITE(LOUT,'('' Calculated Roots'',2(/1X,2F16.10,6X,2F16.10))') + (ROOT(J),J=1,NT) WRITE(LOUT,'('' Error Radii'',2X,4F16.10)') (R(J),J=1,NT) WRITE(LOUT,'('' Exact Roots'',2(/1X,2F16.10,6X,2F16.10))') + (TEST(J,N),J=1,NT) C Calculate the residues for the calculated root DO 40 I=1,NT SUM= A(NT) DO 30 K=1,NT SUM=SUM+( A(K-1)*(ROOT(I)**(NT+1-K)) ) 30 CONTINUE #if defined(CERNLIB_CMPXDOUB) RES(I)=MIN(999.0D0,ABS(SUM)) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_CMPXDOUB) RES(I)=MIN(999.0E0,ABS(SUM)) #endif C Calculate the maximum (absolute) residue IF(RES(I).GT.RESMAX) RESMAX=RES(I) 40 CONTINUE WRITE(LOUT,'('' Residues'',3X,4(D10.2))') (RES(I),I=1,NT) C Check if the disc centred on the calculated root encloses an C exact root when radius R is used DO 75 I=1,NT INR2(I,I)= .FALSE. DO 50 J=1,NT INR2(I,J)=INR2(I,J).OR.(ABS(ROOT(I)-TEST(J,N)).LE.R(I)) C Check if Root I is contained in a disc IF (INR2(I,J)) THEN WRITE(LOUT,'('' Exact Root'',I3,'' is contained'', + '' in a disc of calculated root'',I3)')J,I ELSE WRITE(LOUT,'('' Exact Root'',I3,'' is not'', + '' in a disc of calculated root'',I3)') J,I ENDIF 50 CONTINUE 75 CONTINUE 100 CONTINUE WRITE(LOUT,'(//'' Largest Residue was'',D10.2)') RESMAX C Check if all the residues for all the tests were OK IRC=ITEST('C209',RESMAX .LE. TSTERR) CALL PAGEND('C209') RETURN END