* * $Id: c208m.F,v 1996/04/01 15:01:13 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: c208m.F,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:01:13 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * #include "gen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE C208M #include "iorc.inc" C This program tests the MATHLIB routines RTEQ4, DRETQ4 (C208) C by solving specially constructed polynomials. C Specify the total number of tests PARAMETER ( NT=6 ) #include "gen/def64.inc" + A,B,C,D,DC,RESMAX,ERROR(4),ERRMAX,RESTOL,TSTERR,RESABS #include "gen/defc64.inc" + ROOT(NT,4),SOL(NT,4),Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4,Z(4),RES C Set maximum residue and maximum absolute error allowed for the C test to still be considered successful PARAMETER ( RESTOL=1D-10,TSTERR=1D-12 ) C The test roots, the root order matches with order of calculation DATA (ROOT(1,J),J=1,4) /(3,0),(2,0),(0,1),(0,-1)/ DATA (ROOT(2,J),J=1,4) /(8,0),(6,0),(1,1),(1,-1)/ DATA (ROOT(3,J),J=1,4) /(1,0),(0, 0),(0,0),(0,0)/ DATA (ROOT(4,J),J=1,4) /(1,1),(-1,-1),(-1,1),(1,-1)/ DATA (ROOT(5,J),J=1,4) /(2,0),(-2,0),(0,2),(0,-2)/ #if defined(CERNLIB_CMPXDOUB) DATA ROOT(6,1),ROOT(6,2)/ (1.54368901269207637D0,0D0),(-1D0,0D0)/ DATA ROOT(6,3) /(0.228155493653961816D0, 1.11514250803993731D0)/ DATA ROOT(6,4) /(0.228155493653961816D0,-1.11514250803993731D0)/ #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_CMPXDOUB) DATA ROOT(6,1),ROOT(6,2)/ (1.54368901269207637,0),(-1,0)/ DATA ROOT(6,3) /(0.228155493653961816, 1.11514250803993731)/ DATA ROOT(6,4) /(0.228155493653961816,-1.11514250803993731)/ #endif C Declare residue calculating function RES(Z1)= (Z1**4)+(A*Z1**3)+(B*Z1**2)+(C*Z1)+D CALL HEADER('C208',0) C Initialise maximum residue and maximum absolute error RESMAX=0D0 ERRMAX=0D0 DO 100 I=1,NT WRITE(LOUT,'(/'' Test Number'',I3)') I C Use shorter names for roots (easier typing) Z1=ROOT(I,1) Z2=ROOT(I,2) Z3=ROOT(I,3) Z4=ROOT(I,4) C Calculate polynomial coefficients A= -(Z1+Z2+Z3+Z4) B= (Z1*Z2)+(Z1*Z3)+(Z1*Z4)+(Z2*Z3)+(Z2*Z4)+(Z3*Z4) C= -( (Z1*Z2*Z3)+(Z1*Z2*Z4)+(Z1*Z3*Z4)+(Z2*Z3*Z4) ) D= Z1*Z2*Z3*Z4 C Special case for test 6 we force values for A,B,C,D C Solution still contained in ROOT(6,J) but we require B=0,C=0 IF (I .EQ. 6) THEN A=-1D0 B=0D0 C=0D0 D=-2D0 ENDIF WRITE(LOUT,'('' Roots '',8F8.1)') Z1,Z2,Z3,Z4 WRITE(LOUT,'('' Coeffs'',4F8.1)') A,B,C,D C Solve the polynomials numerically #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) CALL DRTEQ4(A,B,C,D,Z,DC,MT) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) CALL RTEQ4(A,B,C,D,Z,DC,MT) #endif C Write the results DO 90 J=1,4 SOL(I,J)=Z(J) WRITE(LOUT,'(/'' Calculated root'',2F25.16)') SOL(I,J) C Calculate absolute error ERROR(J)= ABS( SOL(I,J)-ROOT(I,J) ) RESABS = ABS( RES(SOL(I,J)) ) WRITE(LOUT,1000) ERROR(J),RESABS RESMAX=MAX( RESMAX,RESABS ) 90 CONTINUE ERRMAX=MAX( ERRMAX,ERROR(1),ERROR(2),ERROR(3),ERROR(4) ) 100 CONTINUE WRITE(LOUT,1001) ERRMAX,RESMAX C Check if the whole test of the routine was successful IRC=ITEST('C208',ERRMAX .LE. TSTERR .AND. RESMAX .LE. RESTOL) CALL PAGEND('C208') RETURN 1000 FORMAT(' Absolute Error ',F25.16/' Residue',F33.16) 1001 FORMAT(/' Largest Absolute Error was',F25.16/ + ' Largest Residue was ',F25.16) END