* * $Id: c207m.F,v 1996/04/01 15:01:13 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: c207m.F,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:01:13 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * #include "gen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE C207M #include "iorc.inc" C This program tests the MATHLIB routines RTEQ3 and DRTEQ3 (C207) C by prespecifying the roots of a cubic polynomial, and then C constructing the polynomial from these roots. The polynomial is C then solved using the library routine and the computed solutions C are compared with the analytic solutions. #include "gen/defc64.inc" + X(9,3),CALC(9,3),J #include "gen/def64.inc" + RES,RESMAX,TSTERR,R,S,T,SOL(3),D C Set maximum residue permitted for the test to still be successful PARAMETER ( TSTERR=1D-9,J=(0,1) ) C Three real roots DATA X(1,1),X(1,2),X(1,3) /( 0, 0),( 0, 0),( 0, 0)/ DATA X(2,1),X(2,2),X(2,3) /( 1, 0),( 1, 0),( 0, 0)/ DATA X(3,1),X(3,2),X(3,3) /(-1, 0),(-2, 0),( 2, 0)/ DATA X(4,1),X(4,2),X(4,3) /(10, 0),(30, 0),( 6, 0)/ DATA X(5,1),X(5,2),X(5,3) /( 7, 0),( 7, 0),( 0, 0)/ C One real,and a complex conjugate pair of roots DATA X(6,1),X(6,2),X(6,3) /( 1, 0),( 0, 1),( 0,-1)/ DATA X(7,1),X(7,2),X(7,3) /( 0, 0),( 2, 3),( 2,-3)/ DATA X(8,1),X(8,2),X(8,3) /(-4, 0),( 1, 6),( 1,-6)/ DATA X(9,1),X(9,2),X(9,3) /(-9, 0),(-9, 5),(-9,-5)/ CALL HEADER('C207',0) C Initialise maximum error term RESMAX=0 DO 100 I=1,9 C Construct the polynomial to be solved C R= -sum of roots R= -( X(I,1)+X(I,2)+X(I,3) ) C S= sum of products of pairs of roots S= (( X(I,1)*X(I,2) ) + ( X(I,1)*X(I,3) ) + ( X(I,2)*X(I,3) )) C T= -product of roots T= -( X(I,1)*X(I,2)*X(I,3) ) C Solve the polynomial #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) CALL DRTEQ3(R,S,T,SOL,D) #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) CALL RTEQ3(R,S,T,SOL,D) #endif C Construct calculated solution in same form as original roots IF (D .LE. 0) THEN C Three real roots CALC(I,1)=SOL(1) CALC(I,2)=SOL(2) CALC(I,3)=SOL(3) ELSE C One real and a complex conjugate pair of roots CALC(I,1)=SOL(1) CALC(I,2)=SOL(2)+(J*SOL(3)) CALC(I,3)=SOL(2)-(J*SOL(3)) ENDIF WRITE(LOUT,'(/'' Test Number'',I4)') I WRITE(LOUT,'('' Descriminant'',F25.16)') D DO 50 K=1,3 C Calculate the residue for the calculated root RES=ABS( (CALC(I,K)**3)+(R*CALC(I,K)**2)+(S*CALC(I,K))+T ) WRITE(LOUT,'('' X('',I2,'' )'',2F20.16,3X,''Residue'', + F20.16)') K,CALC(I,K),RES RESMAX=MAX(RESMAX,RES) 50 CONTINUE 100 CONTINUE WRITE(LOUT,'('' Largest Residue was'',F20.16)') RESMAX IRC=ITEST('C207',RESMAX .LE. TSTERR) CALL PAGEND('C207') RETURN END