* * $Id: getsch.F,v 1996/04/01 15:03:21 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: getsch.F,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:03:21 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * #include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h" #include "_gen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE GETSCH(STR,DEL,TRM,NTH,SST,NCH) * Return in SST the character string found between the NTH-1 and NTH * occurence of the delimiter 'DEL' but before the terminator 'TRM' in * the input string 'STR'. If TRM=DEL then STR is considered unlimited. * NCH=Length of the string returned in SST or =-1 if NTH is <1 or if * NTH is greater than the number of delimiters in STR. IMPLICIT INTEGER (A-Z) CHARACTER STR*(*),DEL*1,TRM*1,SST*(*) NCH=-1 SST=' ' IF(NTH.GT.0) THEN IF(TRM.EQ.DEL) THEN LENGTH=LEN(STR) ELSE LENGTH=INDEX(STR,TRM)-1 IF(LENGTH.LT.0) LENGTH=LEN(STR) ENDIF * Find beginning and end of the NTH DEL-limited substring in STR END=-1 DO 1,N=1,NTH IF(END.EQ.LENGTH) RETURN BEG=END+2 END=BEG+INDEX(STR(BEG:LENGTH),DEL)-2 IF(END.EQ.BEG-2) END=LENGTH * PRINT *,'NTH,LENGTH,N,BEG,END=',NTH,LENGTH,N,BEG,END 1 CONTINUE NCH=END-BEG+1 IF(NCH.GT.0) SST=STR(BEG:END) ENDIF END