* * $Id: iguide.dat,v 1996/04/01 15:01:43 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: iguide.dat,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:01:43 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * ------------------------------------------------------------------- Please refer to the corresponding Installation Guide in INSTALL PAM ------------------------------------------------------------------- GENLIB TEST SUITE HELP SHEET T Hepworth 90.08.23 This sheet is intended to aid in the addition of further test programs to the Genlib test suite. It is assumed that a fortran test program has been written and is then converted into patchy form following the following programming conventions: CONVENTIONS USED INSIDE A TEST PROGRAM Patchy flag DOUBLE is set when a 32-bit machine is being used. Patchy flag -DOUBLE is set when a 64-bit machine is being used. Patchy flag -CMPXDOUB is used to avoid compiler errors caused by source code of the type: COMPLEX Z { see code for } DATA Z / (1D0,2D0)/ {further examples} Usually in a test, many individual function values are calculated by the routines under test, and these values are compared with analytical values which are stored inside data statements, inside the test program. Individual errors are calculated (either absolute errors or absolute relative errors), and the error of largest magnitude is found using the following code sequence: ERRMAX=0 DO 100 I=1,NT . . SOL(I)= Approximate function value for Ith set of parameters { ERROR(I)= ABS( SOL(I)-EXACT(I) ) {for absolute errors} { ERROR(I)= ABS( (SOL(I)-EXACT(I))/SOL(I) ) {for relative errors} ERRMAX= MAX( ERRMAX,ERROR(I) ) 100 CONTINUE Since the calculated errors are always positive, ERRMAX will contain the modulus of the largest error, which will, hopefully, be small. The success of the test can then be assessed by using just one comparison, viz, (ERRMAX .LE. TSTERR), where TSTERR is an accuracy parameter. If this logical value is .TRUE. then the test was successful, else the test failed. CONVERTING A FORTRAN FILE TO THE REQUIRED CARD FORMAT For a Program/Subroutine which tests the routine "code", the following format is used: +PATCH,code. +DECK,codeM. SUBROUTINE codeM +SELF : : : : [ +SEQ,IMP64,IF=DOUBLE. ] {optional replacement of source} {line "IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z)"} : : Variable declarations : : +CDE,IORC {stores common variable LOUT, the output channel number} : : End of non-executables CALL HEADER('code',modep) {print a page heading} : : : : Test source : : : : IRC= ITEST('code',ERRMAX .LE. TSTERR) {test success of test} CALL PAGEND('code') { print page ending } RETURN END References to the terminal output channel 6 should also be changed to channel LOUT ...eg WRITE(6,*) X becomes WRITE(LOUT,*) X INTRODUCING A NEW TEST PROGRAM TO THE SUITE With a test program in the above patchy form: 1) Insert "+USE,code." in the patch SGENT. 2) Insert the lines "+SELF,IF=code. " " CALL codeM" in the patch A000. 3) Insert the cards file for the test, after the end of DECK,PAGEND. preferably in the correct alphabetical order. ** Note that code refers to the four letter routine name eg B100,C343 A line commented with C*NS means a variable was declared but not supplied A line commented with C*RC means this line contains redundant code