* * $Id: tkolmo.F,v 1996/04/01 15:02:42 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: tkolmo.F,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:02:42 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * #include "gen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE TKOLMO(A,NA,B,NB,PROB) *==========> * Tests whether two one-dimensional sets of points * are compatible with coming from the same parent * distribution, using the Kolmogorov test * A is the vector of NA points in set one. * B is the vector of NB points in set two. * PROB is the probability of compatibility returned to * the calling program. * * F. James, April, 1987 *==========> * DIMENSION A(NA),B(NB) * In case of an error, PROB is returned as -1. PROB = -1.0 * Require at least two points in each set IF (NA.LE.2 .OR. NB.LE.2) GO TO 99 * Constants needed RNA = REAL(NA) RNB = REAL(NB) SA = 1.0/RNA SB = 1.0/RNB * Starting values for main loop IF (A(1) .LT. B(1)) THEN RDIFF = -SA IA = 2 IB = 1 ELSE RDIFF = SB IB = 2 IA = 1 ENDIF RDMAX = ABS(RDIFF) * * Main loop over point sets to find max distance * RDIFF is the running difference, and RDMAX the max. DO 10 I= 1, NA+NB IF (A(IA) .LT. B(IB)) THEN RDIFF = RDIFF - SA IA = IA + 1 IF (IA .GT. NA) GO TO 20 ELSE RDIFF = RDIFF + SB IB = IB + 1 IF (IB .GT. NB) GO TO 20 ENDIF RDMAX = MAX(RDMAX,ABS(RDIFF)) 10 CONTINUE * Should never terminate this loop! GO TO 99 20 RDMAX = MAX(RDMAX,ABS(RDIFF)) Z = RDMAX * SQRT(RNA*RNB/(RNA+RNB)) PROB = PROBKL(Z) * 99 CONTINUE END