* * $Id: dadapt.F,v 1996/04/01 15:02:13 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: dadapt.F,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:02:13 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * #include "gen/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE DADAPT(F,A,B,NSEG,RELTOL,ABSTOL,RES,ERR) #if !defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) #include "gen/imp128.inc" CHARACTER*6 NAME NAME = 'DADAPT' CALL MTLPRT(NAME,'D102', +'not available on this machine - see documentation') RETURN END #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_DOUBLE) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) C RES = Estimated Integral of F from A to B, C ERR = Estimated absolute error on RES. C NSEG specifies how the adaptation is to be done: C =0 means use previous binning, C =1 means fully automatic, adapt until tolerance attained. C =n>1 means first split interval into n equal segments, C then adapt as necessary to attain tolerance. C The specified tolerances are: C relative: RELTOL ; absolute: ABSTOL. C It stops when one OR the other is satisfied, or number of C segments exceeds NDIM. Either TOLA or TOLR (but not both!) C can be set to zero, in which case only the other is used. EXTERNAL F PARAMETER (NDIM=100) PARAMETER (R1 = 1, HF = R1/2) DIMENSION XLO(NDIM),XHI(NDIM),TVAL(NDIM),TERS(NDIM) SAVE XLO,XHI,TVAL,TERS,NTER DATA NTER /0/ IF(NSEG .LE. 0) THEN IF(NTER .EQ. 0) THEN NSEGD=1 GO TO 2 ENDIF TVALS=0 TERSS=0 DO 1 I = 1,NTER CALL DGS56P(F,XLO(I),XHI(I),TVAL(I),TE) TERS(I)=TE**2 TVALS=TVALS+TVAL(I) TERSS=TERSS+TERS(I) 1 CONTINUE ROOT= SQRT(2*TERSS) GO TO 9 ENDIF NSEGD=MIN(NSEG,NDIM) 2 XHIB=A BIN=(B-A)/NSEGD DO 3 I = 1,NSEGD XLO(I)=XHIB XLOB=XLO(I) XHI(I)=XHIB+BIN IF(I .EQ. NSEGD) XHI(I)=B XHIB=XHI(I) CALL DGS56P(F,XLOB,XHIB,TVAL(I),TE) TERS(I)=TE**2 3 CONTINUE NTER=NSEGD DO 4 ITER = 1,NDIM TVALS=TVAL(1) TERSS=TERS(1) DO 5 I = 2,NTER TVALS=TVALS+TVAL(I) TERSS=TERSS+TERS(I) 5 CONTINUE ROOT= SQRT(2*TERSS) IF(ROOT .LE. ABSTOL .OR. ROOT .LE. RELTOL*ABS(TVALS)) GO TO 9 IF(NTER .EQ. NDIM) GO TO 9 BIGE=TERS(1) IBIG=1 DO 6 I = 2,NTER IF(TERS(I) .GT. BIGE) THEN BIGE=TERS(I) IBIG=I ENDIF 6 CONTINUE NTER=NTER+1 XHI(NTER)=XHI(IBIG) XNEW=HF*(XLO(IBIG)+XHI(IBIG)) XHI(IBIG)=XNEW XLO(NTER)=XNEW CALL DGS56P(F,XLO(IBIG),XHI(IBIG),TVAL(IBIG),TE) TERS(IBIG)=TE**2 CALL DGS56P(F,XLO(NTER),XHI(NTER),TVAL(NTER),TE) TERS(NTER)=TE**2 4 CONTINUE 9 RES=TVALS ERR=ROOT RETURN END #endif