* * $Id: r7sp.F,v 1996/04/01 15:01:57 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: r7sp.F,v $ * Revision 1996/04/01 15:01:57 mclareni * Mathlib gen * * #include "gen/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_SINGLE) SUBROUTINE C309R7(A,B,IBEG,INUM,XX,EPS) C C******************************************************************* C C RCF converts polynomial A to the corresponding continued C fraction, in 'normal' form with coefficients B C by the 'P algorithm' of Patry & Gupta C C A(z) = A1/z + A2/z**3 + A3/z**5 + ... + An/z**(2n-1) C C B(z) = B1/z+ B2/z+ B3/z+ .../(z+ Bn/z) C C data: C A vector A(k), k=1,INUM input C B vector B(k), k=IBEG,INUM output C IBEG order of first coef. calc. input C INUM order of A, even or odd input C XX auxiliary vector of length .ge. length of vector B C caller provides space for A,B,XX C Note that neither of the first two terms A(1) A(2) should be zero C & the user can start the calculation with any value of C IBEG provided the c.f. coefs have been already C calculated up to INUM = IBEG-1 C & the method breaks down as soon as the absolute value C of a c.f. coef. is less than EPS. At the time of the C break up INUM has been replaced by minus times the number C of this coefficient. C algorithm: J. Patry & S. Gupta, EIR-Bericht 247, November 1973 C Eidg. Institut fur Reaktorforschung C Wuerenlingen, Switzerland C see also: Haenggi, Roesel & Trautmann, C J. Comput. Phys., v. 137, (1980) 242-258 C note: restart procedure modified by I.J.Thompson C C******************************************************************* C IMPLICIT COMPLEX(A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION A(100),B(100),XX(2,100) LOGICAL EVEN REAL EPS IBN=INUM IF(IBEG .GT. 4) GO TO 50 IF(IBEG .EQ. 4) GO TO 20 B(1)=A(1) IF(IBN .GE. 2) B(2)=-A(2)/A(1) IF(IBN .LT. 3) RETURN X0=A(3)/A(2) XX(2,1)=B(2) XX(1,1)=-X0 XX(1,2)=0 B(3)=-X0-B(2) X0=-B(3)*A(2) M=3 MP12=2 EVEN=.TRUE. IF(IBN .LE. 3) RETURN 20 IF(ABS(B(3)) .LT. EPS*ABS(X0)) THEN INUM=-M RETURN END IF M=4 30 X1=A(M) M2M1=MP12 MP12=M2M1+1 IF(EVEN) MP12=M2M1 DO 40 K = 2,MP12 40 X1=X1+A(M-K+1)*XX(1,K-1) B(M)=-X1/X0 IF(M .GE. IBN) RETURN 50 IF(ABS(B(M)) .LT. EPS*ABS(X0)) THEN INUM=-M RETURN END IF DO 60 K = M2M1,2,-1 60 XX(2,K)=XX(1,K)+B(M)*XX(2,K-1) XX(2,1)=XX(1,1)+B(M) DO 70 K = 1,M2M1 X0=XX(2,K) XX(2,K)=XX(1,K) 70 XX(1,K)=X0 X0=X1 XX(1,M2M1+1)=0 M=M+1 EVEN=.NOT.EVEN GO TO 30 END FUNCTION C309R8(Z,ACC) COMPLEX C309R8,Z REAL ACC REAL X,Y,AX,AY,A X=REAL(Z) Y=AIMAG(Z) AX=ABS(X) AY=ABS(Y) A=5*ACC*(AX+AY) IF(AX .LT. A) X=0 IF(AY .LT. A) Y=0 C309R8=CMPLX(X,Y) RETURN END #endif