* * $Id: hpltit.F,v 1996/01/19 10:50:11 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hpltit.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/19 10:50:11 mclareni * Hplot * * #include "hplot/pilot.h" *CMZ : 5.20/00 19/04/95 10.26.37 by O.Couet *-- Author : SUBROUTINE HPLTIT(CHHTIT) *.==========> *. Draws histogram title or user supplied title *. (Cm are used for call to HPLTXT) *..=========> #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" #include "hbook/hcbits.inc" #include "hplot/hpl2.inc" #include "hplot/hpl4.inc" #include "hplot/hpl6.inc" #include "hplot/hplstr.inc" CHARACTER*(*) CHHTIT DIMENSION ITIT(2) DIMENSION RTXFP(2) *._____________________________ * TVTIT = TVSIZ(3) CALL IGQ('TXFP',RTXFP) *---- * Set histogram Title font and precision *---- NTWOLD = NTWIN KFONT = IABS(IHFONT(1)) ITXFON = KFONT/10 ITXPRE = MOD(KFONT,10) IF(IHFONT(1).LT.0)ITXFON = -ITXFON CALL ISTXFP(ITXFON,ITXPRE) * IF(CHHTIT.NE.' ')THEN CHTEMP = CHHTIT GOTO 10 ENDIF *----- * If CHHTIT = ' ', the histogram title is taken from the * histogram data structure. The maximum length of the title * is ISTRSZ characters (HPLOT limitation) *----- J1 = KTIT1 IF(I230.NE.0)J1 = KTIT2 NCHR = (IQ(LCID-1)-J1+1)*4 IF(NCHR.EQ.0)GOTO 999 NCHR = MIN(NCHR,ISTRSZ) CHTEMP = ' ' CALL UHTOC(IQ(LCID+J1),4,CHTEMP,NCHR) *---- * Automatic calculation of character size if * TVSIZ(3) (TSIZ) equal to 0. * (0.28 is a maximum value, unless the user sets * it with SET TSIZ). *---- 10 NBCHAR = LENOCC(CHTEMP) IF(NBCHAR.EQ.0)GOTO 999 IF(TVSIZ(3).EQ.0.)THEN TVSIZ(3) = (XHIGH-XLOW)/NBCHAR IF(TVSIZ(3).GT.0.28)TVSIZ(3) = 0.28 ENDIF *---- * Decode the title to find if some axis title are required. * The histogram title can have the format: * 'histo_title ; X_axis_title ; Y_axis_title ; Z_axis_title' * The position of each ';' is returned in ITIT. *---- J = 0 ITIT(1) = 0 ITIT(2) = 0 DO 20 I=1,NBCHAR IF(CHTEMP(I:I).EQ.';')THEN J = J+1 IF(J.EQ.3)GOTO 30 ITIT(J) = MAX(I-1,0) ENDIF 20 CONTINUE 30 IF (J.EQ.0) THEN ITIT(1) = NBCHAR ITIT(2) = NBCHAR ELSEIF (J.LT.2) THEN IF (NBCHAR.GT.ITIT(J)+1) THEN ITIT(J+1) = NBCHAR ENDIF ENDIF * IF (ITIT(1).GE.1) THEN XK = 0.5*(XHIGH+XLOW) YK = YLOW-YHTIT-TVSIZ(3) CALL HPLTXT(XK,YK,CHTEMP(1:ITIT(1)),3,1,2) ENDIF IF (ITIT(2).GE.ITIT(1)+2) THEN CALL HPLAX(CHTEMP(ITIT(1)+2:ITIT(2)),' ') ENDIF IF (NBCHAR .GE.ITIT(2)+2) THEN CALL HPLAX(' ',CHTEMP(ITIT(2)+2:NBCHAR)) ENDIF * TVSIZ(3) = TVTIT *---- * Reset NT *---- IF(NTWIN.NE.NTWOLD)THEN NTWIN = NTWOLD CALL ISELNT(NTWOLD) ENDIF * 999 CALL ISTXFP(INT(RTXFP(1)),INT(RTXFP(2))) END