* * $Id: hplswn.F,v 1996/01/19 10:50:11 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hplswn.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/19 10:50:11 mclareni * Hplot * * #include "hplot/pilot.h" *CMZ : 5.16/01 30/04/93 17.25.41 by Rene Brun *-- Author : SUBROUTINE HPLSWN *.==========> *. Set system coordinates and the appropriate window according *. to transformation. *. Draws page surround, if request, and histogram surround. *. If option "Same" is selected when plotting nothing is done. *. If option "Update" is selected when plotting we must verify if *. scale is OK (otherwise we have to redraw axes and complete *. histogram), and select the right transformation. *. Initialise and selects histogram transformation NTHIST *. (see HPLIVE and HPLJ). *..=========> #include "hplot/hpl1.inc" #include "hplot/hpl2.inc" #include "hplot/hpl13.inc" #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" *._____________________________ * LOSCAL=.FALSE. IF (LOSAME) THEN IF (NTWIN.NE.NTHIST) CALL ISELNT (NTHIST) NTWIN = NTHIST RETURN ENDIF * IF(IOPTU.NE.0)THEN CALL HPLIVE ELSE IF(IOPTP.NE.0)THEN NTZEB=IQ(LHPLIP+2) CALL ISELNT(NTZEB) NTWIN=NTZEB NTHIST=NTZEB ELSE IF (.NOT.LOWIND) THEN CALL HPLI ELSE IWIN=IWIN+1 NCHIST=NCHIST+1 NWIN=IXWIN*IYWIN IF ((NCHIST.GT.NWIN).AND.(.NOT.LWSAME)) NCHIST=1 IF (IWIN.GT.NWIN) IWIN=1 IF ((IWIN.EQ.IWIN0).AND.(.NOT.LWSAME)) CALL HPLI ENDIF CALL HPLJ ENDIF * END