* * $Id: hploc.F,v 1996/01/19 10:50:10 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hploc.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/19 10:50:10 mclareni * Hplot * * #include "hplot/pilot.h" *CMZ : 5.18/12 09/05/94 18.27.23 by O.Couet *-- Author : O.Couet SUBROUTINE HPLOC(NTPRI,NTLOC,XLOC,YLOC,IDH,ICX,ICY,ISTAT) *.==========> *. *. Picking of an histogram point and returns its coordinates and *. the number of transformation. The location is limited to 100 *. windows maximum. If NTPRI.LT.0 then automatic selection of NTLOC. *. If NTPRI.GE.0 then transformation NTPRI is prioritary *. *..=========> (N. Somon) #include "hplot/hpl2.inc" *._____________________________ * LCDNR = 21 IF(ISTAT.NE.0)LCDNR = 11 IF(NTPRI.GE.0)THEN IF(NTPRI.NE.1)CALL ISELNT(1) CALL ISELNT(NTPRI) ELSE CALL ISELNT(1) DO 10 I=10,NTHIST,10 CALL ISELNT(I) 10 CONTINUE ENDIF CALL IRQLC(1,LCDNR,ISTAT,NTLOC,X,Y) IF(ISTAT.NE.0)THEN XLOC = X YLOC = Y CALL HPLCHA(NTLOC,X,Y,IDH,XLOC,YLOC,ICX,ICY) ENDIF * END