* * $Id: hplnew.F,v 1996/01/19 10:50:09 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hplnew.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/19 10:50:09 mclareni * Hplot * * #include "hplot/pilot.h" *CMZ : 5.18/16 25/08/94 15.46.49 by O.Couet *-- Author : O.Couet SUBROUTINE HPLNEW *.==========> *. Makes a new picture *..=========> #include "hplot/hpl0.inc" #include "hplot/hpl1.inc" #include "hplot/hpl13.inc" #include "hbook/hcbook.inc" * CHARACTER*10 CHPTNO,STRING *._____________________________ * * Request string (CR) if option PTO selected * IF (LOPTO) THEN IF ((IPLNUM.GE.1).OR.(IPLNUM.EQ.-1)) CALL HPLPTO(' ',STRING) ENDIF * * Create a new picture if necessary * IF (LOZFL) THEN IF (LOZFL1) THEN PNAME = 'PICT00' IF (IZRPIP(PNAME).NE.0) CALL IZPICT(PNAME,'S') ELSE 10 WRITE(CHPTNO,'(I10)')IPLTNO NLAST = LENOCC(CHPTNO) NFIRST = 0 20 NFIRST = NFIRST+1 IF (CHPTNO(NFIRST:NFIRST).EQ.' ') GOTO 20 PNAME = 'PICT'//CHPTNO(NFIRST:NLAST) IF (IZRPIP(PNAME).NE.0) THEN IPLTNO = IPLTNO+1 GOTO 10 ENDIF ENDIF CALL IZPICT(PNAME,'M') ENDIF * * Clear screen * CALL ICLRWK(0,0) * * the global title will be drawn by HPLGTL * LOGTIT = .FALSE. * * Check if there is more than one "LIFE" bank active * (unless it is just a change of scale for option "Update". * LP = LQ(LHPLOT-1) IF ((LP.NE.0).AND.(.NOT.LOSCAL)) THEN CALL SBIT0(IQ(LP),1) IF (LQ(LP).NE.0) THEN CALL MZDROP(IHDIV,LQ(LP),'L') ENDIF ENDIF * CALL HPLSCM * END