* * $Id: hpllgd.F,v 1.2 1998/10/26 16:45:35 couet Exp $ * * $Log: hpllgd.F,v $ * Revision 1.2 1998/10/26 16:45:35 couet * - TVSIZ(3) was used instead of TVSIZ(4) to place the axis titles * * Revision 1996/01/19 10:50:09 mclareni * Hplot * * #include "hplot/pilot.h" *CMZ : 5.20/00 19/04/95 10.26.37 by O.Couet *-- Author : O.Couet 11/04/95 SUBROUTINE HPLLGD(CHXTIT,CHYTIT,CHZTIT,IALGN,CHOPT) *.==========> *. HPLOT routine to label axes with a title. The parameter IALGN *. defined where in aligned the legend i.e: on the beginning, the *. middle or at the end of the axis. The alignment parameter has *. 3 digits (one for each axis): *. *. xyz *. *. where x, y and z may have independently the following values: *. *. 1: Begining of the axis *. 2: Middle of the axis *. 3: End of the axis (0 is equivalent to 3) *. *. The CHOPT parameter allows to define on which side of the *. current zone the X and Y titles are drawn: *. *. CHOPT = 'R' : Y title is drawn on the right side of the current zone. *. CHOPT = 'T' : X title is drawn on the top side of the current zone. *. *..=========> #include "hplot/hpl1.inc" #include "hplot/hpl2.inc" #include "hplot/hpl4.inc" #include "hplot/hpl6.inc" #include "hplot/quest.inc" DIMENSION RTXFP(2), RTXAL(2) CHARACTER*(*) CHOPT,CHXTIT,CHYTIT,CHZTIT DIMENSION IOPT(2) EQUIVALENCE (IOPTR,IOPT(1)),(IOPTT,IOPT(2)) *._____________________________ * *---- * Return immediately if this routine is called before the * first HPLOT call *---- IF(IPLNUM.LT.0)THEN CALL HBUG('HPLAX must be called after HPLOT','HPLAX ',0) RETURN ENDIF * CALL UOPTC(CHOPT,'RT',IOPT) *---- * Get the axis alignment *---- IXXAL = IALGN/100 IYXAL = IALGN/10-IXXAL*10 IZXAL = IALGN-IXXAL*100-IYXAL*10 *---- * Retrieve the 3D cube coordinates. *---- NTWOLD = NTWIN IF (LO3DPL) THEN NTWIN = NTHIST CALL ISELNT(NTHIST) CALL HPLTOC(RQUEST(70),RQUEST(72),XKX1,YKX1,NT) CALL HPLTOC(RQUEST(71),RQUEST(73),XKX2,YKX2,NT) CALL HPLTOC(RQUEST(74),RQUEST(76),XKY1,YKY1,NT) CALL HPLTOC(RQUEST(75),RQUEST(77),XKY2,YKY2,NT) CALL HPLTOC(RQUEST(78),RQUEST(80),XKZ1,YKZ1,NT) CALL HPLTOC(RQUEST(79),RQUEST(81),XKZ2,YKZ2,NT) ENDIF *---- * Save the current NT and the current text angle and alignment. * Select the centimeters. *---- IF (NTWIN.NE.1) CALL ISELNT(1) NTWIN = 1 CALL IGQ('TANG',RTANG) CALL IGQ('TXAL',RTXAL) CALL IGQ('TXFP',RTXFP) CALL IGQ('CHHE',RCHHE) *---- * Set axis labels font and precision *---- KFONT = IABS(IHFONT(4)) ILAFON = KFONT/10 ILAPRE = MOD(KFONT,10) IF (IHFONT(4).LT.0) ILAFON = -ILAFON CALL ISTXFP(ILAFON,ILAPRE) CALL ISCHH(TVSIZ(4)) *---- * Draw the axis title on a 3D plot *---- IF (LO3DPL) THEN * X axis label IF (XKX1.EQ.XKZ1) THEN XK = XKX1 YK = YKX1 CALL ISTXAL(0,0) ELSEIF (XKX2.EQ.XKZ1) THEN XK = XKX2 YK = YKX2 CALL ISTXAL(0,0) ELSE IF (XKX2.GT.XKX1) THEN XK = XKX2 YK = YKX2 ELSE XK = XKX1 YK = YKX1 ENDIF CALL ISTXAL(3,0) ENDIF IF (IXXAL.EQ.2) THEN XK = (XKX1+XKX2)/2. YK = (YKX1+YKX2)/2. ENDIF IF (XKX2-XKX1.NE.0.) THEN RANG = (ATAN((YKX2-YKX1)/(XKX2-XKX1)))*(180./3.14159) ELSE RANG = 0. ENDIF CALL IGSET('TANG',RANG) CALL ITX(XK,YK-1.5*YLABEL-TVSIZ(4),CHXTIT) * Y axis label IF (XKY1.EQ.XKZ1) THEN XK = XKY1 YK = YKY1 CALL ISTXAL(0,0) ELSEIF (XKY2.EQ.XKZ1) THEN XK = XKY2 YK = YKY2 CALL ISTXAL(0,0) ELSE IF (XKY2.GT.XKY1) THEN XK = XKY2 YK = YKY2 ELSE XK = XKY1 YK = YKY1 ENDIF CALL ISTXAL(3,0) ENDIF IF (IYXAL.EQ.2) THEN XK = (XKY1+XKY2)/2. YK = (YKY1+YKY2)/2. ENDIF IF (XKY2-XKY1.NE.0.) THEN RANG = (ATAN((YKY2-YKY1)/(XKY2-XKY1)))*(180./3.14159) ELSE RANG = 0. ENDIF CALL IGSET('TANG',RANG) CALL ITX(XK,YK-2.5*YLABEL-TVSIZ(4),CHYTIT) * Z axis label IF (IZXAL.EQ.1) THEN CALL ISTXAL(1,0) YK = YKZ1 ELSEIF (IZXAL.EQ.2) THEN CALL ISTXAL(2,0) YK = (YKZ1+YKZ2)/2. ELSE CALL ISTXAL(3,0) YK = YKZ2 ENDIF CALL IGSET('TANG',90.) CALL ITX(XKZ2-XLABEL,YK,CHZTIT) *---- * Draw the axis title on a 2D plot *---- ELSE * X axis label CALL IGSET('TANG',0.) IF (IOPTT.NE.0) THEN YK = YHIGH+YLABEL+TVSIZ(4) ELSE YK = YLOW-YLABEL-TVSIZ(4) ENDIF IF (IXXAL.EQ.1) THEN CALL ISTXAL(0,0) XK = XLOW ELSEIF (IXXAL.EQ.2) THEN CALL ISTXAL(2,0) XK = (XHIGH+XLOW)/2. ELSE CALL ISTXAL(3,0) XK = XHIGH ENDIF CALL ITX(XK,YK,CHXTIT) * Y axis label CALL IGSET('TANG',90.) IF (IOPTR.NE.0) THEN XK = XHIGH+XLABEL ELSE XK = XLOW-XLABEL ENDIF IF (IYXAL.EQ.1) THEN CALL ISTXAL(0,0) YK = YLOW ELSEIF (IYXAL.EQ.2) THEN CALL ISTXAL(2,0) YK = (YHIGH+YLOW)/2. ELSE CALL ISTXAL(3,0) YK = YHIGH ENDIF CALL ITX(XK,YK,CHYTIT) ENDIF *---- * Restore the NT, the text angle and the text alignment. *---- IF(NTWIN.NE.NTWOLD)THEN NTWIN = NTWOLD CALL ISELNT(NTWOLD) ENDIF CALL IGSET('TANG',RTANG) CALL ISTXAL(INT(RTXAL(1)),INT(RTXAL(2))) CALL ISTXFP(INT(RTXFP(1)),INT(RTXFP(2))) CALL IGSET('CHHE',RCHHE) * END