* * $Id: hplj.F,v 1996/01/19 10:50:09 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: hplj.F,v $ * Revision 1996/01/19 10:50:09 mclareni * Hplot * * #include "hplot/pilot.h" *CMZ : 5.09/00 03/05/90 16.22.13 by O.Couet *-- Author : SUBROUTINE HPLJ *.==========> *. Defines picture coordinates, set window and viewport, *. then draws histogram title and global title if request *. and histogram surrounding frame. *. Sorts the NTs in the current HIGZ picture if (LOZFL is *. .TRUE.) via a call to IZPICT with option 'O'. *..=========> #include "hplot/hpl1.inc" #include "hplot/hpl2.inc" #include "hplot/hpl4.inc" #include "hplot/hpl9.inc" #include "hplot/hpl12.inc" *._____________________________ *---- * Define transformation of normalization * and new frame limits *---- * Frame limits of histogram *---- IF (.NOT.LOWIND) THEN XLOW=XMLEFT XHIGH=XSIZ-XMRIT YLOW=YMGLOW YHIGH=YSIZ-YMGUP ELSE * IX=MOD(IWIN,IXWIN)-1 IY=IYWIN-(IWIN/IXWIN)-1 IF (IX.LT.0) THEN IX=IXWIN-1 IY=IY+1 ENDIF * XLOW=XMLEFT+IX*(XWIND+XWDIST) XHIGH=XLOW+XWDIST YLOW=YMGLOW+IY*(YWIND+YWDIST) YHIGH=YLOW+YWDIST ENDIF * IF(.NOT.LOSQR) GOTO 20 *---- * Redefine XLOW,XHIGH etc if 'SQR' option in effect *---- XY=((XHIGH-XLOW)-(YHIGH-YLOW)) IF(XY.EQ.0.0) GOTO 20 XY=0.5*XY IF(XY.GT.0.) GOTO 10 *---- * X length less than Y,compensate Y *---- YHIGH=YHIGH+XY YLOW=YLOW-XY GOTO 20 *---- * Y length less than X, compensate X *---- 10 XHIGH=XHIGH-XY XLOW=XLOW+XY * 20 CONTINUE * IF((XHIGH.EQ.XLOW).OR.(YHIGH.EQ.YLOW))GOTO 40 *---- * Determine transformation of normalisation histogram *---- IF (IXWIN.GE.100) GOTO 40 IF (IYWIN.GE.100) GOTO 50 NTHIST=NCHIST*10 *---- * Test if the histogram is empty *---- IF((XMINI.EQ.XMAXI).OR.(YMINI.EQ.YMAXI))GOTO 30 * XVP1=XLOW*XYTWN+DXWN XVP2=XHIGH*XYTWN+DXWN YVP1=YLOW*XYTWN+DYWN YVP2=YHIGH*XYTWN+DYWN * CALL ISWN(NTHIST,XMINI,XMAXI,YMINI,YMAXI) CALL ISVP(NTHIST,XVP1,XVP2,YVP1,YVP2) *---- * XMINI, XMAXI, YMINI, YMAXI are the histogram coordinates * calculated by HPLC after calling HPLOT * XWMINI, XWMAXI, YWMINI, YWMAXI are the window coordinates. * It is not necessary the same especially when several histograms * are plotted on the same picture (the window does not change in * that case. *---- XWMINI=XMINI XWMAXI=XMAXI YWMINI=YMINI YWMAXI=YMAXI * 30 CONTINUE IF(LOHBOX)THEN CALL ISLN(1) IF(LOGXFL.OR.LOGYFL.OR.ISBCOL.NE.0)THEN CALL HPLBOX(XLOW,YLOW,XHIGH,YHIGH,'CMS ') ELSE FACOLD=FACTOR FACTOR=1. CALL HPLBOX(XMINI,YMINI,XMAXI,YMAXI,'WC ') FACTOR=FACOLD ENDIF CALL ISLN(ILTYP) ENDIF *---- * Histogram title *---- IF(.NOT.LOUTIT) CALL HPLTIT(' ') *---- * Draw global title *---- CALL HPLGTL *---- * Select the normalisation transformation for histogram, * and sort the NTs in the current picture if LOZFL is .TRUE. *---- CALL ISELNT(NTHIST) NTWIN=NTHIST IF(LOZFL)CALL IZPICT(' ','O') * RETURN 40 CALL HBUG('Too many windows requested in X : increase plot size or + decrease number of windows','HPLZON',0) RETURN 50 CALL HBUG('Too many windows requested in Y : increase plot size or + decrease number of windows','HPLZON',0) * END